Community members
Food & Bio Global Summit 2023
Join us for a two-day event that aims to address the challenges and solutions for sustainable ecosystems in the food and bioresource industry. The summit will bring together leading clusters and stakeholders from around the world, including companies, universities, and other relevant entities, to...
Infoday Innovation Grants
France Bioproduction Congress
The 7th edition of the France Bioproduction Congress will take place on 5th & 6th April 2023 at the International Congress Center in Tours From 2020, Polepharma and Medicen Paris Region join forces to co-organize the annual France Bioproduction Congress in order to bring together and federate all...
CXC Advanced Lens Design
Join the webinar on Euroclusters and funding opportunities: 15 May at 14:00 CET
Partnering event for CBE-JU calls
Virtual matchmaking event: present your expertise and meet European partners for Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) calls on bioeconomy With the support of Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC) and Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP), Xylofutur, Valorial, le réseau...
CLAC, 14th Latin American Cluster Congress
Cluster Policy Workshop 2023
Online Workshop: Zero emission urban road delivery vehicles market analysis and EIT Urban mobility Call for Proposals 2022-2024
Hack4reSTART | Bucharest
As part of COSME ReStartSMEs project, on the 24th of May, the Romanian Cluster Association – CLUSTERO, in cooperation with Wallachia eHub and Techcelerator and supported by the Enterprise Europe Network are organizing Hack4reSTART Bucharest, an innovative hybrid event aiming at bringing together...
Open Registrations for Cluj Innovation Days 2023, Cluj IT Cluster's flagship event
This year Cluj IT Cluster is organizing the 11th edition of its flagship event: Cluj Innovation Days, a national benchmark initiative focused on innovation, specifically how it contributes to the creation and development of resilient and sustainable business ecosystems. Over the past decade, Cluj...