Community members
Boosting Sustainable Mobility: Challenges and Best Practices
The eighth INGENIOUS workshop
The INGENIOUS partnership would like to invite you to the eighth workshop related to our challenges from Energy Intensive Industry (EII). The aim of this series of Workshops is to give solution providers and EII companies all the details about the challenges faced in Ingenious. This one will address...
Capacity building webinar: WATER- ENERGY- FOOD NEXUS
How does water scarcity influence the food production? Is it possible for the energy and water sectors to cooperate more efficiently? Are there any existing experiences? The next 9th of May, the AEWEN team is organising a WATER-ENERGY- FOOD NEXUS webinar to investigate on the synergy between water...
Virtual Nordic Cluster Matchmaking 2023
2nd Webinar about Best Practices and Lessons Learned from Internationalization Activities
AURORA - 4th Roadshow France (South West)
AURORA - Open online webinar and workshop - France South-West
RECIPROCITY: Invitation to Mobility Mission Istanbul
Senegal: Discover a market with great potential.
Water & energy business mission to Senegal: July 3rd-7th, 2023. 3 DAYS TO FOSTER COLLABORATION BETWEEN EUROPEAN AND SENEGALESE COMPANIES. DISCOVER NEW OPPORTUNITIES, DISCUSS AND START JOINT PROJECTS! The EU AEWEN project is organising its second business mission to Africa in the first week of July...
The seventh INGENIOUS workshop
The INGENIOUS partnership would like to invite you to the seventh workshop related to our challenges from Energy Intensive Industry (EII). The aim of this series of Workshops is to give solution providers and EII companies all the details about the challenges faced in Ingenious. This one will...