The CAFEIN project organises a match-making event presenting the EUROCLUSTERS and the funding opportunities they offer through their Open Calls. The presented opportunities can support companies, especially SMEs, in their projects related to the green and digital transition.
Participating companies will have the opportunity to present possible project ideas and propose themselves as partners during the intensive Q&A session.
PROGRAMME (14.00-16.00)
- Presentation of the CAFEIN Project and introduction to the webinar, CAFEIN Partners;
- xBUILD-EU Eurocluster and Open Call presentation, Ivana Unkovic;
- DREAM Euroclusters and Open Call presentation, Marc Pattinson;
- RESIST Eurocluster and Open Call presentation, Antonio Novo;
- PIMAP4SUSTAINABILITY Eurocluster and Open Call presentation, Xavier Alberola;
- Q&A Session
- Conclusion
Register now, bring your companies, and join us:
Cluster organisation