financial support
Support programme
Ademe Financial Support
Ademe Financial Support is intended for a large range of actors and projects, including territorial communities and businesses, and covers research to implementation in Ademe's areas of action: environment, energy and sustainable development. Examples of eligible measures include advisory services...
Support programme
Investment support for 'green' heating
This programme is available mainly for companies and local authorities, and covers investment support for renewable energy heating installations, in particular from biomass, deep geothermal heating, waste-heat and biomethane production. Companies benefiting from other subsidies like renewable energy...
Support programme
Green electricity certificates
The owners of renewable energy installations (solar panels, wind mills, biomass installations) receive 'certificates' from the Flemish government. Those certificates can be sold to electricity providers who are obliged to offer consumers a growing share of renewables in the mix. The providers are...
Support programme
REG Premiums
Subsidises investments aimed at improving the energy efficiency of company buildings, such as roof insulation, outer-wall insulation, floor insulation, relighting, heat pumps, etc. The subsidies are meant only for the building improvements, not for making products or production processes more...
Support programme
MIP - Environment and Energy Technology Innovation Platform
The Environment and Energy Technology Innovation Platform (MIP) aims to stimulate and realise cleantech innovations by bringing together and supporting companies, governments, knowledge institutions, and civil society organisations - the 'quadruple helix'. MIP provides a funding programme for demand...
Support programme
STRES - Strategic Ecology Support
A scheme to stimulate large investment (at least € 3 million) in very new and/or company-specific technologies that increase the environmental performance or energy-efficiency of a company. For SMEs, between 30-40 % of extra costs of essential components are covered, and between 20-30 % for large...
Support programme
A Belgian (Flemish) subsidy for companies that invest in environmentally friendly, energy saving or renewable energy technologies. The technology has to be on a predefined list of technologies. Funding conditions: maximum of € 1 million over three years for one company; for SMEs the subsidy is 25 %...
Support programme
VLIF - Financial support from Flemish agricultural investment fund
The VLIF fund stimulates investment by agricultural companies in a wide range of specific environmentally friendly and energy saving projects. Also companies from the food sector, social enterprises and consumer groups can make use of this fund. Funding support depends on the specifics of the case...
Support programme
PRODEM is a programme of subsidies for SMEs using the VITO research centre's demonstration and promotion infrastructure for testing new environmentally friendly technologies. It subsidises up to 66 % of the research costs.
Support programme
Tax deduction for investment
An enterprise that carries out an investment in the creation or expansion of its activities may, under certain conditions, obtain a one-off investment rebate of 8 % (it can be deducted from the taxable profit). To encourage new investments, the deduction was increased to 20 % for new investments...
Support programme
VALIPAC subsidies
VALIPAC is the organisation of industrial packaging producers responsible for extended producer responsibility. To fulfill their obligations, the organisation provides subsidies to stimulate green practices. Companies that sort or offer packaging that can be recycled are recognised VAL-I-PAC...
Support programme
Circular Economy Challenges
Rabobank, KPMG and CSR Netherlands are joining forces to stimulate circular action plans in the business sector. This partnership helps entrepreneurs to make the transition from a linear to a circular business model. The partnership has been launched in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region with plans...