Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC)
Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) helps Canadian companies develop and deploy competitive, clean technology solutions, to solve some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges: climate change, clean air, clean water and clean soil. SDTC does this through funding, knowledge...
Metal Tech Alley
Launched in 2017, Metal Tech Alley (MTA) is an economic development initiative started by the Lower Columbia Initiatives Corporation with the goal of supporting the development of a cluster of industry and technology companies in the Trail region. The total value is CAD 18 M (EUR 15 M). The main...
Innovative cooperation initiatives in cross border region (ICI)
The project is financed by the programme of 2014 - 2020 Interreg IPA CBC Bulgaria - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. It is led by the Bulgarian Academy of Science and it aims to stimulate productivity and competitiveness, economic growth and investments, intensify cooperation between business...
Centres of Excellence and Centres of Competence
Centres of Excellence and Centres of Competence are key innovation infrastructures in advanced regional innovation systems. They aim to attract highly qualified researchers within a triple helix arrangement, involving public organisations, private companies, universities and clusters, to generate...
AgroHub.BG is the Bulgarian Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) for agriculture. The portal allows the different agribusiness units linked to agribusiness and technology – farmers, machinery, equipment and software manufacturers, clusters and policy institutions to communicate and interact with each other...
Living labs in Wallonia
The Living labs programme in Wallonia enables companies to discover and experiment new technologies, and to test their products, solutions and concepts with end users. The objectives of the programme are to : 1) Encourage communication between the different Livings ;abs to form a community of...
Circular Flanders
Circular Flanders is the hub for the Flemish circular economy, launched in 2017 by the Regional Government of Flanders, Belgium, to ensure transition to the circular economy by 2050. It is a partnership of regional and local governments, companies, civil society, and other organisations (including...
The initiative Connected Mobility - The Smart Future (ICM)
The initiative Connected Mobility - The Smart Future (ICM) is a hub founded by the Automotive Cluster and the IT Cluster of Business Upper Austria (the Upper Austrian Business Agency). The initiative addresses both companies from the IT and automotive industries in order to develop mobility...
Digital Innovation Hub OST
DIHOST is a project coordinated by the Lower Austrian business agency ecoplus to provide non-profit support for the digital transformation of SMEs in the Eastern part of Austria. It offers access to digital know-how and test infrastructure of five knowledge providers and involves business and...
COMET programme (Competence Centres for Excellent Technologies)
The COMET programme is a central funding programme of the Austrian technology politics. COMET is managed by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) and the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW)...
METS Ignited
METS Ignited (the Mining Equipment, Technology and Services Growth Centre) is part of the Australian Government’s Industry Growth Centres Initiative. METS Ignited works with Australian suppliers to the mining industry, global miners, research organisations and capital providers to improve the global...
Hydrogen Technology Cluster Australia (H2TCA)
NERA (the National Energy Resources Australia, part of the Australian’s government Industry Growth Centres Initiatives) has created a network of hydrogen technology clusters across Australia: the Hydrogen Technology Cluster Australia (H2TCA), supporting the National Hydrogen Strategy. It provides...