
Policy toolkit item


The Competitive Open Innovation Networks (COINs) is an investment programme led by the Professional Chamber of Athens. Its objective is to provide advanced support services for businesses and SMEs involved in R&D projects. The programme is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)...

Policy toolkit item

SME Initiative Energy Transition and Climate Protection

The SME Initiative has the objective to help SMEs in improving their energy efficiency and target their energy saving potential while at the same time ensuring their competitiveness. SMEs are considered important actors for the energy transition as they are pioneering and driving development...

Policy toolkit item

Co-learning space for Hamburg's clusters

The project 'Co-learning space for Hamburg’s clusters’ was launched in November 2016 in order to facilitate and to consolidate the pooling of knowledge and therefore the exchange process between the clusters through local cross-clustering. The project combines innovative event formats with a toolbox...

Policy toolkit item

The Technology Transfer Acceleration Offices (SATT)

The Technology Transfer Acceleration Offices (SATT) are 13 structures aimed to support organisations in the transfer of technology from research to the industry. They are part of the measures implemented for the “Investment for the Future” programme (PIA), whose objective is to close the innovation...

Policy toolkit item

TANDEM / inter-cluster mentoring

TANDEM is a collaborative platform and an inter-cluster mentoring tool launched by the organisation France Clusters to boost clusters' projects and to promote synergies between them. The main objective of TANDEM is to create a space for sharing best practices to guide cluster efforts to thrive. This...

Policy toolkit item

Clusters' SMEs' Territories Invest

The 'Cluster's PME Territoires Invest' programme was created for clusters and their members with the support of France Clusters and the New Look investor fund. The main objective of this programme is to support clusters to become key players in industrial innovation and boost industry in French...

Policy toolkit item

Circular Economy Project Management System

The CEPM has been developed by the French Standardisation Association (AFNOR). Its objective is to help companies to grasp the circular economy concept and implement circular economy projects. The main beneficiaries are companies, who can purchase it for around EUR 260. The document proposes a 3 x 7...

Policy toolkit item

Business incubation and entrepreneurial support for recovering from COVID-19 epidemic - NewCo Helsinki

The City of Helsinki has invested EUR 9.7 millions for enterprises to recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and boost entrepreneurial activities for the years 2021-2024. The NewCo Helsinki service aims to improve people’s general understanding of the coronavirus situation's effect on...

Policy toolkit item

Innovation Networks Denmark

Lauched by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, the aim of Innovation Networks Denmark is to create platforms for companies and research institutes to exchange knowledge and enter into collaboration project. The Innovation Networks have different set of skills and activities which include...

Policy toolkit item

Social and Creative

Social and Creative' is a policy initiative led by the Ministry of Energy, Trade and Industry of Cyprus. The Ministry has organised meetings with key stakeholders of the creative business community aiming to the creation of a national cluster under the proposal 'The creative industry as a multiplier...

Policy toolkit item

Red Cluster Colombia

The Private Competitiveness Council (CPC) and the Foreign Trade Bank (BANCOLDEX) through its Development and Innovation unit (INNpulsa), launched Red Cluster Colombia. The Red Cluster Colombia, based on the web platform, is a space to articulate the actors who have been...

Policy toolkit item


The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation leads the Colinnova initiative, which aims to develop collaborative innovation capacities in companies across 15 regions with medium to low innovation rates. The beneficiary will have the opportunity to acquire capacities to innovate, which will...