
Support programme

Chemical Leasing Toolkit

Chemical Leasing is a business model based on the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) concept, which promotes the efficient use of resources, minimisation of waste and emissions, and reduction of health and environmental risks. Chemical Leasing is also in line with the UNIDO strategy on...
Support programme

Cleaner Production Projects Development Manual

Cleaner Production Projects Development Manual is a methodology that provides guidance for implementing cleaner production projects in companies. The projects aim to reduce manufacturing costs through more efficient use of energy and material resources, lower pollution, and improved health and...
Support programme

PRE SME Toolkit

Promoting Resource Efficiency in Small and Medium Enterprises (PRE SME) is a user-friendly toolkit developed by UNEP and UNIDO. Intended for CEOs, operations managers, and cleaner production service providers, the tool (Resource Kit and Industrial Training Handbook) provides information about...