Informatics Sector HISER Project
The HİSER project was launched in 2022 and modelled after UR-GE, and aiming to support exports in the IT sector. It requires the membership in a cooperation organisation with at least 10 member companies through which activities have to be organised. Activities can be supported for up to 3 years and...
UR-GE (International Competitiveness Development Support)
The UR-GE project, initiated in 2010, supports the clustering of exporting companies in the manufacturing sector. It requires at least 10 companies to come together under a Collaboration Organisation and provides a package of services including needs analysis, training and consultancy activities...
Construction Innovation Hub
The Construction Innovation hub draws in a myriad of different actors ranging from organisations, industry entities, policy-makers, practitioners and academics for collaborative projects. This is mainly directed at fostering innovation with and in the construction sector, with a shift to...
Ambassadors of Industry4Ukraine
The 'Ambassadors of Industry4Ukraine' programme was launched by the Ukrainian Cluster Alliance (UCA) to enlist Ukrainian professionals in EU and other countries to create linkages with Ukrainian cluster organisations. Further target groups are professionals of other nationalities working in relevant...
Rapid Response Centres (RRC)
The Rapid Response Centers (RRC) are a programme launched by the Ukrainian Cluster Alliance (UCA). Its main beneficiaries are SMEs, critical industries, and the export sector. The RCCs have three main tasks. First and foremost, they should support the restoration of value chains, the substitution of...
Ukrainian Cluster Alliance (UCA)
The Ukrainian Cluster Alliance (UCA) was formed in March 2022, shortly after the Russian invasion. Building on previous efforts of cluster organisation starting in 2019, but now reinforced under the shock of the Russian military onslaught, the primary objective of the UCA is to help Ukrainian...
The project, supported by the European Union and the Government of Germany, aimed at supporting and developing 2 EAM (Engineering – Automation – Machinery) clusters in the regions of Zaporizhzhia and Kharkiv, and lasted from August 2020 to November 2021. The project plan was based on the principles...
Business Development Centre Projects
A business development centre (İŞGEM) is a business support model that will assist and compel new entrepreneurs to start a business, minimising the risks they possibly face at start up by offering affordable job sites, shared coaching, consultancy and administrative services.
IVth National Research and Development Plan, 2022-2027
PNCDI IV is the main implementation tool of the National Research, Innovation and Smart Specialization Strategy (SNCISI) 2022-2027, which transparently and predictably ensures the financing of the national CDI system for modernization, consolidation of excellence and increasing relevance for the...
Romanian National Strategy for Research, Innovation and Intelligent Specialization 2022-2027
The National Strategy for Research, Innovation and Intelligent Specialization 2022-2027, developed by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, sets the vision for the Romanian research-innovation system in the 2030 horizon and expresses the firm option to recognize and support...
StartUP Portugal - National Strategy for Entrepreneurship
StartUP Portugal - National Strategy for Entrepreneurship was launched in 2016 by the Ministry of Economy with the aim of extending the current dynamics of the Portuguese entrepreneurial ecosystem, one of the most active at European level, to the entire country and to all sectors of activity...
GCE - Global Centres of Expertise
Global Centres of Expertise (GCE) is the third of three levels of the Norwegian Innovation Clusters programme. Established in 2014, is aimed at mature clusters that already have systematic cooperation in strategic areas, both within the cluster, but also internationally with R&D institutions and...