Green transition

Policy toolkit item

MIRECK – Metal Industry and Renewable Energy Cluster of Kosovo

MIRECK – Metal Industry and Renewable Energy Cluster of Kosovo is a non-governmental organisation that aims to empower the business community in developing and advancing products and services in the Metals and Renewable Energy sector through academic cooperation with the Faculty of Mechanical...

Policy toolkit item

Utilisation of local resources and regional revitalisation under 'Strategic Road Map for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells'

Under the Japanese government's 'Strategic Road Map for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells' (2019), a series of measures is underway to support the development and promotion of hydrogen energy to achieve reduction targets for GHG emissions. Overall the strategy promotes the collaboration between stakeholders...

Policy toolkit item

Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay

The Tokyo Zero-emission Innovation Bay was established, based on the proposal of the “Environment Innovation Strategy” of the Japanese Government (Decision of the Integrated Innovation Strategy Promotion Council, January 21, 2020), to initiate an Innovation Area that pioneers zero-emission related...

Policy toolkit item

Tokyo 'Beyond-Zero' Week

Tokyo “Beyond-Zero” Week features six leading international conferences organised and hosted by Japan (ICEF2020, RD20, TCFD summit 2020, LNG Producer-Consumer Conference 2020, International Conference on Carbon Recycling 2020, Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting 2020). Each conference offers a forum...

Policy toolkit item

Promotion of university efforts towards 2050

Under the Japanese government's 'Green Growth Strategy Through Achieving Carbon Neutrality in 2050', a series of measures is underway to support the development of university collaborations and development at the local and regional level. The objective of one of these measures is to facilitate...

Policy toolkit item

Green Innovation Fund

In order to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050, the Japanese government has established several policies promoting this goal, including the set up of the 'Green Innovation Fund' which totals 2 trillion Yen (approx. EUR 15 billion). The government agency 'New Energy and Industrial Technology...

Policy toolkit item

Global Zero Emission Research Center

The Global Zero Emission Research Center was established by the National Instititue of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), an independent government agency under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, in 2020. The research center conducts joint studies with research institutes...

Policy toolkit item

the Environmental Sustainability Innovation Lab (ESIL)

The Environmental Sustainability Innovation Lab (ESIL) is a partnership of EDF Renewables, Bazan Group and Johnson Matthey. ESIL is a platform dedicated to establishing breakthrough sustainable innovation solutions. The main objective of ESIL is to deliver economically viable technology solutions...

Policy toolkit item

The ZED scheme

The ZED scheme is an extensive drive of the Government of India to enhance global competitiveness of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) by providing them financial support in assessment, rating and handholding of its manufacturing processes on quality and environment aspects. The major...

Policy toolkit item

Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme

The Government of India (GoI) has upscaled the Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme (LMCS) for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to reduce waste in the manufacturing process and improve global competitiveness in the MSME sector. The outcome of implementing lean manufacturing...

Policy toolkit item

Cluster Observatory

The Cluster Observatory is a NGO run by the Foundation for Micro, Small and Medium-Sized Entreprises Clusters (FMC), established in 2005. The objective of the Cluster Observatory is to: provide comprehensive online database about clusters in India; bridge the information gap ad cater to the needs of...

Policy toolkit item

Green National Champions Programme

The government initiated the Green National Champions qualification programme to improve Hungary’s results in the field of environmental performance and sustainability. The aim of the programme is to support the development of micro, small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises with high growth...