Business services

Policy toolkit item


BioInnovation is a strategic innovation support scheme financed by Vinnova, the Swedish Energy Agency and Formas. The main objective is to create the best possible conditions for increasing the pace of innovation. BioInnovation's platfom connects ideas, actors and capital to create competitive and...

Policy toolkit item

Programme Catalunya Clusters

This initiative aims to help clusters to focus their strategy, train cluster managers, co-finance strategic projects, organise missions to different ecosystems for international benchmarking and launch collaborative projects between Catalan clusters or with international entities. The initiative...

Policy toolkit item

Smart Green Industrial Park under 'Green New Deal'

A project under the Korean Green New Deal aims to convert industrial complexes into smart eco-friendly manufacturing spaces with digital-based high productivity (smart) and high energy-efficiency as well as low pollution (eco-friendly). The cluster measure supports the following goals: 1)...

Policy toolkit item

Section 2 on Designation, Creation and Operation of Green Convergence Cluster - Green Convergence Cluster Act (Act on the creation and fostering of green convergence clusters)

The 2021 Green Convergence Cluster Act provides a legal foundation for a series of cluster-related activities under the measure 'Designation, creation and operation of green convergence clusters' (Section 2 of the Act). The supported activities under the measure include the establishment and...

Policy toolkit item

Project Implementer, Articles 4 & 5 - Act on Special Cases concerning Industrial Technology Complex Support (abbreviation: Industrial Technology Complex Act)

Articles 4 & 5 of the 2020 Industrial Technology Complex Act provide for measures to designate a so-called 'project implementer' who creates and operates an industrial technology complex under the auspices of the Ministry of SMEs and Startups. The measure clarifies that corporations can apply to...

Policy toolkit item

Korean New Deal Fund

The Korean government established 3 funds to achieve the Korean New Deal objectives of 1) creating jobs in traditional and newly emergying digital /green sectors, 2) build infrastrucutres for a digital/green transition, 3) transform South Korea into a leader economically post-COVID-19. It is...

Policy toolkit item

Innovation in the Green Industry under 'Green New Deal'

The Korean New Deal comprises three key strategies - the Green New Deal, Digital New Deal, and Stronger Safety Net. The Korean government implements various projects/measures under the Green New Deal, one of which is 'Innovation in the Green Industry' which aims to 1) promote prospective businesses...

Policy toolkit item

The Cape Innovation and Technology Initiative (CiTi)

The Cape Innovation and Technology Initiative (CiTi) is Africa’s oldest tech incubator. The main objective of CiTi is to promote the inclusive growth of the digital economy. CiTi works at the intersection of business, government, academia and society to positively shape the future of the economy and...

Policy toolkit item

Technology Stations Programme

The core goal of the TSP is to contribute towards improving the competitiveness of industry through the application of specialised knowledge and technology; and facilitating the interaction between industry, (especially SMEs) and academia in order to enable innovation. There are 18 Technology...

Policy toolkit item

South African BioDesign Initiative (SABDI)

SABDI was launched by the Department of Science and Innovation of South Africa and is a contracted fund which supports collaborative and integrative research projects that focus on functional genomics, structural biology, synthetic biology and systems biology. SABDI is particularly interested in...

Policy toolkit item

Slovenian Pilot for an Industry 4.0 Transformative mechanism

The High-Impact Action (HIA) consists in the piloting of a “Transformative Mechanism”. This mechanism is ultimately a physical and virtual platform for piloting and demonstrating modular and reconfigurable cells across various industries. Completed platform brings together equipment, resources...

Policy toolkit item

Go International Slovenia

The activities of the Go International Slovenia programme for strengthening the internationalisation of the Slovenian economy are divided into four groups of measures: - preparation of companies for entering foreign markets, - helping companies enter new markets, - strengthening its presence in...