Euroclusters FSTP
ELBE EUROCLUSTER has opened the first call for Financial Support To Training
ELBE EUROCLUSTER - Eurocluster in Offshore Renewable Energy The first call for Financial Support To Training of ELBE EUROCLUSTER is now open! ELBE EUROCLUSTER will organised two rounds of training sessions, each one offering training services for up 10 SMEs, which will receive financial support of...
EPICENTRE call for proposals
EPICENTRE envisions to create new cross-sectoral/border value chains by establishing a SMEs – Clusters – Mid-Caps and Corporates in the following areas: ICT, Fintech, Health and Agri-food. It is a program of accompaniment, acceleration, validation, and transfer to the market innovative solutions...
RESIST 2nd Innovation Open Call
The RESIST ( REsilience through Sustainable processes and production for the European automotive InduSTry ) – Euroclusters project Explanation of the call and its objectives This call provides financial support to European SMEs , start-ups and/or mid-cap companies working in the Mobility , Transport...
Mobility Lump Sum to SOLUTRANS mission
Submission & evaluation process Complete the Submission form: click here Proposal format: online questionnaire. The maximum duration of the application should approximately take 20 minutes. Evaluation criteria: Lump Sum will be assigned on a first-come, first serve basis. 5 easy steps to follow...
Innovation Support Services: electromobility sectors
Submission & evaluation process Complete the Submission form : click here 9 easy steps to follow: Step 1: Apply Step 2: Admissibility & eligibility check Step 3: Evaluation - lump sum will be granted according to criteria and scoring mechanism set up in the Guide for applicants Step 4: Confirmation...
Development of Innovative Communication Tools for E-BOOST Open Calls beneficiaries
Submission & evaluation process Complete the Submission form : click here 9 easy steps to follow: Step 1: Application Step 2: Admissibility & eligibility check Step 3: Evaluation - lump sum will be granted according to criteria and scoring mechanism set up in the Guide for applicants Step 4...
Supporting innovative Products and Services development in electromobility sectors (Clean Hydrogen)
Submission & evaluation process Complete the Submission form : click here 9 easy steps to follow: Step 1: Application Step 2: Admissibility & eligibility check Step 3: Evaluation - lump sum will be according to criteria and scoring mechanism set up in the Guide for applicants Step 4: Confirmation –...
DESIRE Open Call for funding
The DESIRE Open Call for funding has been launched on September 13, 2023 and remains open for submissions until November 13, 2023 - 5 PM CET (Central European Time) . Individual SMEs or consortia composed of a maximum of two SMEs, or one SME and another legal entity can apply for funding. Only SMEs...
RESIST Coaching and Mentoring services Open Call
The RESIST ( REsilience through Sustainable processes and production for the European automotive InduSTry ) – Euroclusters project Explanation of the call and its objectives The goal of the RESIST (REsilience through Sustainable processes and production for the European automotive InduSTry)...
POLREC Open Call for Innovation in Recycling Polymer Wastes
The goal of POLREC (Supporting a green and resilient Europe through POLymer RECycling) Euroclusters Innovation Open call is to financially support SMEs from plastics, rubbers and composites industries in recycling their polymer waste through 3 sub-topics : Mechanical Recycling, Mechanical Recycling...
GEMSTONE - call for Financial support for Innovation - GREENINNOV
GEMSTONE Call – GreenInnov aims to support SMEs in the exploration and development of an advanced green solution for industries. The instrument GreenInnov supports the development of a new green technology, service, product or production process with focus on prototyping in an industrial environment...
GEMSTONE - call for Financial support for Innovation - GREENADOPT
GEMSTONE Call – GreenAdopt aims to facilitate the adoption of green smart solution by industrial European SMEs. The ambition of the call is to foster the implementation of a new green technology, service, product or business production process in a real operational environment. Proposals will aim at...