EU Matchmaking event in Graz, Austria
The next ECCP matchmaking event will take place on 18 June 2024 in Graz, Austria as part of the the C lusters Meet Regions in Graz, Austria, This matchmaking event offers participants to explore how clusters can spearhead transformative shifts towards a climate-neutral, digital future, aligning with...
EU Clusters Talk: Innovation through integration: How to create and engage a meta-cluster
The concept of meta-clustering is a progressive strategy that links different clusters from various sectors, industries, and regions in the global economy. Meta-clusters use the collective power and diverse abilities of different clusters to set a new bar for innovation, collaboration across fields...
EU Clusters Talk: Autonomy, innovation and security: EU strategies for Aerospace and Defence
The defence and aerospace ecosystem are changing in major ways, driven by the need to increase strategic autonomy and to adapt to the green and digital changes. The European Defence Industrial Strategy (EDIS) and the Transition Pathway for Aerospace show the European Union's ambitious plan to manage...
EU Clusters Talk: Leading the twin transition: Advanced materials as key enabling technology
The demand for advanced materials is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. Advanced materials are intentionally designed and engineered materials to display superior performance or special functions, which can be developed with unprecedented speed thanks to today's scientific...
EU-Taiwan Matchmaking Event in Berlin, Germany 2024
The European Commission (EC) organised the EU – Taiwan Matchmaking Event in the context of Taiwan Expo 2024 in Europe, which was held on 10-12 June 2024. The EU – Taiwan Matchmaking Event itself took place on-site in Berlin, Germany on 10-12 June 2024 with a delegation of about 80 companies and...
EU-South Med Matchmaking event in Frankfurt, Germany 2024
The European Commission (EC) organised the EU – South Med Matchmaking Event in the frame of ACHEMA expo on 10-14 June 2024. The EU – South Med Matchmaking Event itself took place on-site in Frankfurt, Germany 11-13 June 2024. The event was jointly organised by the European Commission through the...
Clusters meet Regions - Graz, Austria
Tradition reinvented: how clusters lead resilient, innovative shifts towards a climate-neutral, digital future 📑 Read the event summary In partnership with the European Cluster Collaboration Platform on behalf of the European Commission, and in collaboration with regional partners, Styria proudly...
EU Clusters Talk: Entrepreneurship in Europe: Cluster support for start-ups and scale-ups
Entrepreneurship helps industrial transformation processes since newly established firms, called start-ups, and high-growth firms, called scale-ups, have a considerable impact on job creation and on improving the innovation and competitiveness profile of national and regional economies. To thrive...
EU Clusters Talk: Net-Zero Industry Act: For clean tech manufactured in Europe
The Net-Zero Industry Act is an initiative stemming from the Green Deal Industrial Plan which aims to scale up the manufacturing of clean technologies in the EU. This means increasing the EU’s manufacturing capacity of technologies that support the clean energy transition and release extremely low...
Clusters meet Regions - Milan, Italy
Twin Transition: Italian ecosystems and the European agenda for sustainability. The case of a complex industrial landscape: the Lombardy clusters 📑 Read the event summary This was the 15 th workshop of the successful “Clusters meet Regions” cycle. Organised since 2022 in different EU regions, these...
EU Matchmaking event in Brussels within European Cluster Conference 2024
Description As part of the European Cluster Conference 2024, the next ECCP matchmaking event will take place on 8 May 2024 in Brussels, Belgium. This matchmaking event offers participants a dedicated framework to find potential business partners at all stages of the supply chain. They were invited...
EU Clusters Talk: Support programmes and funding schemes: Cluster policies in the EU
EU Member States have a long tradition of dedicated cluster policies. In total, 51% of the EU Member States have more than 10 years of experience in implementing cluster-specific policies at national, regional, or both levels. The support can aim at strengthening innovation ecosystems, SME support...