Clusters meet Regions - Katowice, Poland

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, in collaboration with the Polish Clusters Association and the European Commission, organised the third "Clusters meet Regions" workshop. The event took place on 7 & 8 November 2022, in Katowice, Poland. Context and objectives EU regions need to be able to...

EU Matchmaking Event in Barcelona

The ECCP physical matchmaking event was held in the context of the Clusters meet Regions event “Boosting talent as a key driver for a future sustainable competitiveness” on 15 th December 2022 in Barcelona. Priority areas Talent is one of the main pillars of the Catalonia Clusters programme and it...

Clusters meet Regions - Zagreb, Croatia

CLUSTERS MEET REGIONS: AGORADA+ discussed Croatian digital transformation and interregional cooperation The European Commission (EC) and the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA), in collaboration with the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, organised a workshop to explore how...

Clusters meet regions - Barcelona, Spain

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, in collaboration with the Agència per a la Competitivitat del'Empresa (ACCIÓ) and the European Commission, jointly organised the "Clusters meet Regions" workshop in Catalonia. The event took place on 14 and 15 December in Barcelona, Spain, followed by the...

CXC Network Webinar: "How to engage organisations in ClusterXchange and the road to future exchanges"

The 3rd CXC Network Webinar will take place on 27 October 2022 at 10:00 AM CET. The webinar will focus on the further promotion of ClusterXchange and it aims to attract the participation of motivated host organisations. During this CXC Network webinar we will share knowledge and tips in promotion...


EU Clusters Talks: Cluster policies and networks: Outcomes of the Expert Group on Clusters

The European Expert Group on Clusters has provided recommendations, advice, and expertise to the European Commission, Member States, and regions on how to better use clusters as a strategic tool of industrial policy, interregional collaboration and for integrating SMEs into EU and global value...

EU Clusters Talks: Agri-food: Cluster activities for a sustainable and resilient ecosystem

According to the FAO, agri-food systems consume about 30% of the world’s energy, and a third of agri-food systems' emissions of greenhouse gases stem from energy use. Russia military aggression on Ukraine and the impact of such geopolitical tensions on the energy prices heavily impacting the EU agri...

EU Clusters Talks: Clusters perspectives for a green and digital construction ecosystem

The updated European Industrial Strategy calls for the co-creation of pathways for the green and digital transition in partnership with industry, public authorities, social partners, and other stakeholders. Such pathways shall offer a better understanding of the scale, cost, long-term benefits and...

EU Clusters Talks: Renewable Energies: How to accelerate technology uptake?

The REPowerEU plan sets out a series of measures to rapidly reduce dependence on Russian fossil fuels and fast forward the green transition, while increasing the resilience of the EU-wide energy system. Renewables are the cheapest and cleanest energy available, and can be generated domestically...

Agri-food matchmaking on accelerating resource efficiency, renewable energy and scaling up of circular fertilizer solutions

An online ECCP matchmaking Agri-food matchmaking on accelerating resource efficiency was held on 5 December. Context and objectives This matchmaking event, including its preparatory webinar, was focused on the agri-food ecosystem and in particular on the topics of: uptake of resource efficiency...

ClusterXchange IT Tool: Instructional Webinar

In order to resolve all questions regarding the newly launched CXC IT Tool and its manual, we will be hosting the second CXC IT Tool training on 6 October 2022 at 10:00 CET. During the training, the CXC Support Office will demonstrate every step in the new CXC IT Tool in real time and, with the help...

EU Clusters Talks: Ukraine: How can clusters support business integration and recovery? - 19 October 2022

In June 2022, the Ukrainian government published a recovery plan for the country. Besides the main lines for rebuilding Ukraine, it describes economic challenges in energy, infrastructure, manufacturing, logistics, and closer business relations with the European Union. Ukrainian clusters and...