Community members
Starting MedBAN: Clusters as Ecosystems of Business Acceleration for a Sustainable Blue Med Economy
SMARTCITY business forum
CLOTH ClusterXChange in The Netherlands
September 2022 – The CLOTH Project, the European alliance which brings together individuals, companies and clusters working on the transformation of the fashion sector towards sustainability and digitalization, organized another ClusterXchange event in The Netherlands, between 27 and 29 of September...
F2F Health Matters. Connecting with Japan
PUZZLE: 1st Innovation Workshop & Validation Contacts Call Kick-off Meeting
1st Innovation Workshop & Validation Contacts Call Kick-off Meeting” will be held online on November 3rd 2022, from 09:30 to 13:30 CET. PUZZLE is inviting you to join the event and learn more about innovation around the PUZZLE framework and Validation Contest and get first-hand practical information...
Partnerships for Horizon Europe: smart cities projects
Calling the EFRAG community sector groups - Workshops for draft Sector Sustainability Reporting Standards
EXXTRA ESCP-4X Closure event | Key learnings, Spin-off projects, Spin-off Meta-Cluster "ERCI ASBL", Scale-up of CXC as business model
WICA - The most innovative wine European companies are looking for new cross-sectorial BSOs to collaborate with
WICA, the Wine Industry Cluster Alliance of the EPAWI project, the European Partnership for Auxiliary Wine Industry Innovation is inviting cluster managers and international project officers to a special webinar, Nov. 7th at 11 am (GMT+2), to learn more about WICA and how they can be part of this...
PackAlliance Final Event
The PackAlliance journey is coming to an end and we are very proud of the results achieved! The project partners, various stakeholders and participants will come together on this occasion to discuss the sustainability of packaging in the circular economy, new developments and the current research...