Community members

Community Event

Starting MedBAN: Clusters as Ecosystems of Business Acceleration for a Sustainable Blue Med Economy

The Mediterranean Blue Acceleration Network (MedBAN) Consortium has the pleasure to invite you to the kick-off conference “ Starting MedBAN: Clusters as Ecosystems of Business Acceleration for a Sustainable Blue Med Economy” on the 29th of November 2022, at 15h30 (CET), online (Zoom). "The blue...
Community Event

SMARTCITY business forum

SMARTCITY business forum will take place on November 14th 2022 in Barcelona right before the Smart City Expo. The forum focuses on building alliances that accelerate the transition to smart and climate neutral cities and this year will bring together around 400 decision makers to discuss private...
Community Event

CLOTH ClusterXChange in The Netherlands

September 2022 – The CLOTH Project, the European alliance which brings together individuals, companies and clusters working on the transformation of the fashion sector towards sustainability and digitalization, organized another ClusterXchange event in The Netherlands, between 27 and 29 of September...

Community Event

F2F Health Matters. Connecting with Japan

F2F Health Matters  partnership organises on November 16th , at 11.00 AM CET, an event focused on healthy food & bio-sourced functional ingredients sectors. It aims to strengthen areas of collaboration with potential partners in Japan offering concrete market insights and to give space for Europeans...
Community Event

PUZZLE: 1st Innovation Workshop & Validation Contacts Call Kick-off Meeting

1st Innovation Workshop & Validation Contacts Call Kick-off Meeting” will be held online on November 3rd 2022, from 09:30 to 13:30 CET. PUZZLE is inviting you to join the event and learn more about innovation around the PUZZLE framework and Validation Contest and get first-hand practical information...

Community Event

Partnerships for Horizon Europe: smart cities projects

Partnerships for Horizon Europe: Smart City projects Presentation of ideas and competences for project proposals, inspiring sessions and panels, and targeted 1:1 meetings for creating consortia. Are you interested in Horizon Europe calls related to smart cities? are you building a consortium to...

Calling the EFRAG community sector groups - Workshops for draft Sector Sustainability Reporting Standards

EFRAG announces the dates and timing of the workshops to discuss the sustainability matters and related regulations, for the Sustainability Reporting draft Sector Standards related to: Motor Vehicles; and Agriculture, Farming and Fishing. Register here for the public sessions to receive a summary...
Community Event

EXXTRA ESCP-4X Closure event | Key learnings, Spin-off projects, Spin-off Meta-Cluster "ERCI ASBL", Scale-up of CXC as business model

The project "EXXTRA ESCP-4X" ( EXcellence EXchange and Teaming-up between RAilway clusters and ecosystems) is closing its path in a few days, and the key learnings and outcomes will be shared in an event in Brussels, also available online. For the Partners, EXXTRA has been a great platform for scale...
Community Event

WICA - The most innovative wine European companies are looking for new cross-sectorial BSOs to collaborate with

WICA, the Wine Industry Cluster Alliance of the EPAWI project, the European Partnership for Auxiliary Wine Industry Innovation is inviting cluster managers and international project officers to a special webinar, Nov. 7th at 11 am (GMT+2), to learn more about WICA and how they can be part of this...

Community Event

PackAlliance Final Event

The PackAlliance journey is coming to an end and we are very proud of the results achieved! The project partners, various stakeholders and participants will come together on this occasion to discuss the sustainability of packaging in the circular economy, new developments and the current research...

Community Event

PackAlliance Final Event

The PackAlliance journey is coming to an end and we are very proud of the results achieved! The project partners, various stakeholders and participants will come together on this occasion to discuss the sustainability of packaging in the circular economy, new developments and the current research...
Community Event

GEN4OLIVE Infoday & Matchmaking Event

Learn more about GEN4OLIVE 2nd Call for Proposals that will fund olive breeding plan design and its validation activities. Climate change and emerging diseases threaten olive production. Genetic erosion means a high risk since only a 5% of olive varieties are commercially exploited. Olive genetic...