Portofolio of new services to be implemented
After a deep analysis of the services on offer by each of the project partners and a benchmarking of the services deployed by similar organisation within their ecosystems, the AURORA partnership finally agreed on the following list of new services to be implement both at the cluster level and the consortium level. Here is below the list of selected services and brief description of how cluster members would benefit of it:
Pilot services at the cluster level
- Valorial will be implementing a new service based an open innovation and matchmaking online, allowing industrial (members) to post a need, other to pitch (to submit their solution) supported by a selection scheme where the best offer(s) to be introduced to the industrial.
- Agri Sud-Ouest Innovation will be implementing a new service focusing on thematic networking with a specific focus on increasing digital engagement and interactivity.
- FoodValley NL will be implementing a new service focusing on thematic networking with a specific focus on increasing digital engagement and interactivity.
- Unimos Alliance will be implementing a new service based on the Strategic Immersion Workshop concept with selected components of networking and matchmaking activities.
- onTech Innovation will be implementing as a new format of Business convention/annual events
Pilot services at the consortium level
- Partnership Speaker Service
It is about including a speaker from another country in the events that the AURORA partnership usually organises at cluster level to open mindsets on Europe and to give visibility to our members on the European scene. - Radar Accelerator
Support actors ‘innovation projects enhancement (partners, infrastructures & funds) and is implemented at consortia level
It builds on partnership :
- Enlarged network to look for partners (academic & industrials),
- EU ecosystem knowledge of infrastructures (shared facilities, living labs and research infrastructure),
- Knowhow in screening funding opportunities.
The first step will consist in implementing these new services via a pilot scheme that is likely to commence in September 2022.
Cluster organisation