[NE4HEALTH] Healthcare Collaboration Series, 22-24.03.2022

Submitted by ROTARU Flaviana on 21 March 2022

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On the 22nd of March, HealthIL is holding a virtual global B2B networking event regarding Burnout of healthcare employees. This is the first of ongoing thematic quarterly events throughout the year.
The event on Burn-Out in Healthcare is the first of a series of quarterly thematic events brought to you by HealthIL.
Each of our quarterly collaboration events will involve presentations from relevant technological solutions and startups around a specific topic. At the end of the event participating healthcare organizations will be able to schedule deep-dive B2B meetings with those solutions that are most interesting to them, to set the stage for potential future collaboration.
This first event is intended for any healthcare organization who is looking for solutions to address challenges of Burn-out, and any technological solution who can address these challenges.
In addition, more info can be found here: https://www.healthil.org/burnout-series - this is where you can see the specific challenges we are looking to address.

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Burnout Presentation_POLAND.pdf 1.06 MB
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