The HempClub project: Overview of the different existing and potential hemp-related value chains
In the context of HempClub - a COSME Programme funded project aiming to foster the creation of new connections in many technological and bio-based EU value chains - a document that makes an overview of the different existing and potential hemp-related value chains has been made.
The Deliverable 2.5 analyses the technological, environmental, social, and economic aspects of EU hemp value chains focusing on the regulations and policies and distinguishing between industrial hemp and medical cannabis, a sector of growing interest all over Europe, but with separate rules and techniques.
First of all, the document investigates the uncertain distinction between ‘hemp’ and ‘cannabis’ within a unique species, Cannabis sativa L., and the restrictions imposed to this date by the UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. The report highlights the UE hemp regulation framework, which recognizes hemp as a legitimate agricultural crop and an industrial plant provided that its THC content doesn’t exceed 0,2% (0,3% from January 1, 2023), but with no clarity about the use of its entire biomass, including flowers, leaves and resins and the patchwork of rules in the member states. In addition to the above, other regulations and fundamental sentences are explained in the deliverable.
The document also includes the framework of the potential applications of the different parts of the plant Cannabis sativa L. with a specific digression about the industrial sectors involved and the current hemp market, at global and European levels. A focus on the main existing applications and players in the following sectors - such as Textile, Construction, Biocomposites and Bioplastics, Paper, Food and Beverages, Feed, Innovative materials, and energy storage - have been made.
Finally, the report makes a mapping of the existing hemp value chains in the 5 HempClub countries and the major differences based on the legislation, cultivation trends and industrial applications diversity of the countries considered.
By providing an exhaustive overview of the different existing and potential hemp-related value chains in the HempClub partners’ countries, this document could be an input to implement specific services to support the development of such chains.
The deliverable is public. Read more about it at the following link:
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