"Hemp derived CBD: its status and future in Europe" Business Exchange
The Czech Business Exchange Series' first ClusterXchange “Hemp derived CBD: its status and future in Europe” - organised by CzecHemp the context of HempClub project – took place in Prague on 14-16 June, 2023.
During the first part of the event the participants had the great opportunity to know more about the state of play in CBD markets and the EU framework and local specifics and to discuss about the major challenges of the sector and the hemp industry regulation.
This was a big chance to put together strong arguments and create steps for lobbying that will support the hemp industry and to help the creation of supportive regulations for CBD products coming from traditional extracts as food products.
During the second part of the event the participants met local stakeholders and visited local companies. A special thanks to Czech University for life science (CZU) - to show us its R&D facility for medical cannabis, Canebe Alpha Cat - to host us and exhibit its CBD derived products and to SensiQure - production facility for high quality CBD products and medical cannabis.
Sure the visit to local companies and the interaction with local stakeholders operating in the hemp sector will contribute to share knowledge, individuate potential commercial opportunities in this sector, and enhance collaboration and networking among actors of EU hemp value chains for promoting the European hemp industry globally!
Thanks to all participants, speakers, and visitors for contributing to this event.
Stay updated on HempClub social media and website to not miss the next ClusterXchange!!