During 2021, the CEEC incorporated more than 30 organizations into its value chain
The Catalan Energy Cluster (CEEC) is consolidating itself as a leading association in the Catalan energy sector thanks to its 180 members. In the last year 2021, more than 30 companies have joined the Cluster.
The increase in partners expands the value chain of the CEEC, its strategic areas (sustainable mobility, renewable energy and self-consumption, smart grids and smart grids, digitalization of energy, energy efficiency in industry and efficient building) . Also noteworthy is the expansion of the Photovoltaic, Geothermal and Financing Working Groups.
Here are the latest Cluster memberships:
- Electra Caldense Holding
- Badia Energies
- Bamboo Energy
- Beedata Analytics
- BIM Consultors
- Biorenovables (Serveis Energètics Integrals De l'Anoia)
- Bureau Veritas
- Cefiner
- Circontrol
- Defcon8
- Druids Process Technology
- Eco Inteligent Growth
- Econocom
- Enchufing
- Enerbite
- Enertips Consulting
- Finder Spain
- Fotovol
- Fundació Europace
- Granollers Promocions
- Industrias REHAU
- Intarex
. Interflex
- Llambrich Solar Energy
- Nnergix
- Power Innotech
- Productora Electrica Urgelense
- Seros
- Sj12 Enginyers
- Sympower
- Termowatt Solar Energy
Meet all the associates by clicking here: https://clusterenergia.cat/socis-2021/?lang=en