150 days of EXCITE

Submitted by Nadja Dehne on 01 July 2022


EXCITE started exactly 150 days ago! Time to sum up what we have achieved so far:

support of one company exchange and six cluster exchanges

shortlisting of potential events to combine exchanges with

getting to know the ClusterXchange scheme and the tool behind it

exchanges between the participating clusters on their ecosystems, cluster best practices & services

matching of potential learning tandems between the clusters to improve services or add new ones

design of monitoring scoreboard for the project’s performance indicators

About the project

EXCITE aims to strengthen cluster management and facilitate exchange and strategic partnership between cluster staff and cluster members by using the ClusterXchange system. ClusterXchange is a new pilot project to promote short-term exchanges to better connect industrial ecosystems in Europe. The project will focus on skills, processes and services related to digital transformation - both in terms of the cluster organisation itself and its members, to be able to support them in successfully accessing global markets.

Cluster Exchanges & Study visits

The two-year project EXCITE is focused on facilitating exchanges between SMEs and other European organisations. For that, six European clusters joined forces to organize financially supported company missions with pre-arranged B2B meetings to innovative digital ecosystems in Europe. EXCITE already supported on SME from Germany going to France visiting the Advanced Process Control & Manufacturing Conference (apc|m) in Toulon from 4 – 6 April, 2022 with additional scheduled business meetings in the area.

“Thanks to EXCITE, I had a great chance to discover the French microelectronics ecosystem and layed the ground for new business partnerships.​“ | Dr. Michael Arnold​, PEER Group GmbH​ (Factory automation software, 230+ employees)

Company missions to the partners ecosystems in Germany, France, Spain, Lithuania, Bulgaria and Poland are planned for 2022 and 2023 including amongst others:


  • Micro Innovation Day III in Gardanne, France
  • Smart City Expo in Warsaw, Poland
  • SEMICON Europa in Munich, Germany
  • SophIA Summit in Sophia-Antipolis, France


  • apc|m & SSI conference in Brügge, Belgium
  • Silicon Saxony Day in Dresden, Germany

Furthermore, exchanges between clusters are supported in so called study visits. The consortium already visited DTI’s ecosystem in Sofia, Bulgaria in June 2022. Another study visit is planned for the second half of 2022.

The project team is EXCITEd for the next months to come!

Contact us for more information on the project and your benefits:

Alesia Ramanishyna, Project coordinator, Silicon Saxony | projects@silicon-saxony.de   

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