B2B meetings

Community News

The second PackagingNET brings together professionals from the world of packaging to share experiences

The Packaging Cluster organises the PackagingNET, face-to-face sessions with exceptional guests with the aim of promoting networking and knowledge sharing between managers and entrepreneurs in the packaging sector On 17 May, the second meeting was held at the Hotel Qgat with the special invitation...
Community News

The first PackagingNET is held between companies in the packaging industry

The PackagingNET are a meeting point organised by the Packaging Cluster with the aim of encouraging networking among its associate members and key agents The first meeting took place on 21 February, with more than 25 professionals from the sector The renowned Catalan businessman Enric Crous was the...

Euromed Clusters Forward Summit

Co-financed by the European Union, Euromed Clusters Forward advocates for better regulatory frameworks for clusters, provides them with financial and technical support, connects them internationally and leverages their potential to promote Mediterranean value chains. In this context, you are invited...