Advanced manufacturing


Training/Services Open Call

This Training/Services Open call consist of three different strands: the two first ones will allow European SMEs to pursue trainings/services related to Green Transition and Internationalisation and the third one - the International mission support scheme - will help SMEs in attending the...
Community News

Supporting the Czech nanotechnology industry and boosting innovation uptake

Since its foundation in 2010, Nanoprogress has focused mainly on promoting cutting-edge research and development in nanotechnology, building international links, and developing internationalization activities. Our other strategic areas of focus are the development of unique technological devices for...
Community News


UPDATES on 2 AIBC EUROCLUSTERS OPEN CALLS AIBC EUROCLUSTERS Open Call for Digitalisation Services and Product Development (Updates available) UPDATES: There has been added a condition related to a “Declaration of financial capacity” for being eligible to receive the interim Payment of the 20% of the...

DIMOFAC project has launched an Expression of Interest (EOI) call oriented to European Manufacturing SMEs interested in mass customisation

The DIMOFAC project has launched an Expression of Interest (EOI) call oriented to European Manufacturing SMEs interested in mass customisation through the creation and industrial uptake of highly flexible and modular production lines. For this, a series of supporting services related to feasibility...


ADMA TranS4MErs - Second open call

The INNOSUP-08 project ADMA TranS4MErs has launched its second open call to help European SMEs achieve their digital transformation. Description ADMA TranS4MErs offers a comprehensive and dynamic approach to digital transformation, enabling European companies across the EU to unlock their full...
Community News

ReStartSMEs project: Facilitating collaborations for the adoption of Industry 5.0 new technologies by Manufacturing SMEs

ReStartSMEs is the initiative promoted by the European Commission to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and thus economic downturn . The project aims to build resilience of manufacturing SMEs in automotive, machinery & equipment, food and textile by analyzing their digitalization needs and offering...
Community News

"Hack4reSTART Torino: Manufacturing meet technology" took place from 23 to 24 February in Torino, Italy

Almost 80 on-site participants, 30 online attendees, 7 working groups, 2 keynote speakers and 2 funding opportunities workshops. All these numbers sum up to a SUCCESS. Hack4reSTART Torino (24-25 February) happened to be a very valuable event both for traditional manufacturing SMEs and for tech-savvy...
Community News

Call for innovation funding of PIMAP4Sustainability is open! March 1st-May 3rd

PIMAP4Sustainability is thrilled to announce the launch of our Innovation Open Call ! This Open call will allow us to fund innovation projects for SMEs from the Photonics, Advanced Materials and Advanced Manufacturing value chains with application in three themes: - Aerospace ✈️ - Metalworking 🔩 -...

Community News

PIMAP4Sustainability Kick-Off

All PIMAP4Sustainability partners are delighted to announce the launch of the PIMAP4Sustainability project. At their first consortium meeting, the project partners officially launched the project and discussed the task ahead to implement all activities dedicated to the support of European SMEs. This...

Community News


MIND4MACHINES Open call launch that will take place online on April 27 2022 at 10.00 CET. The initiative will fund digital solutions for manufacturing industry and in particular the development, the testing, the validation and the market uptake of Industry 4.0 solutions of technology provider SMEs...

Community News

Engineering - Automation - Machinery: Exploring collaboration opportunities with Ukraine

In collaboration with CECIMO, the European Clusters Alliance organises a meeting with Ukrainian Clusers to talk about potential collaboration in the fields of engineering, automation, and machinery. We invite you - the enterprises, clusters, businesses associations and innovative entities - to this...