
Policy toolkit item

Elevate Greece

Elevate Greece is an initiative launched by the Greek Government with a mission to identify promising startups and support their growth, in order to ultimately build a robust innovation ecosystem. Elevate Greece has launched a digital portal through which Greek startup companies can apply for...

Policy toolkit item

Informatics Sector HISER Project

The HİSER project was launched in 2022 and modelled after UR-GE, and aiming to support exports in the IT sector. It requires the membership in a cooperation organisation with at least 10 member companies through which activities have to be organised. Activities can be supported for up to 3 years and...

Policy toolkit item

UR-GE (International Competitiveness Development Support)

The UR-GE project, initiated in 2010, supports the clustering of exporting companies in the manufacturing sector. It requires at least 10 companies to come together under a Collaboration Organisation and provides a package of services including needs analysis, training and consultancy activities...

Policy toolkit item

Ambassadors of Industry4Ukraine

The 'Ambassadors of Industry4Ukraine' programme was launched by the Ukrainian Cluster Alliance (UCA) to enlist Ukrainian professionals in EU and other countries to create linkages with Ukrainian cluster organisations. Further target groups are professionals of other nationalities working in relevant...

Policy toolkit item

Call for establishment and operation of Cooperative transformation and innovation consortia

The strategic goal of the call is to transform and increase the added value of entire industries or their parts through the support of close cooperation between actors in the field of research and innovation in Slovakia, in cooperation with excellent research and innovation partners from abroad. The...

Policy toolkit item

Call for clusters aimed at supporting networking of business entities

The aim of call is to support the activities of cluster organization aimed at fulfilling the tasks and goals arising from the document Strategy for the development of the cluster organization valid during the period of implementation of the main activity of the project, with an emphasis on...

Policy toolkit item

NCE - Norwegian Centres of Expertise

Norwegian Centres of Expertise (NCE) is the second of three levels of the Norwegian Innovation Clusters programme with a focus on clusters with the highest potential for regional economic development. Established in 2006, NCE is directed towards enhancing and facilitating established development...

Policy toolkit item

EU4Moldova: Focal Regions Programme (Nov.2019-Nov.2024)

The Program is financed by the EU and implemented by UNDP Moldova and it is focused on strengthening the economic, territorial and social cohesion in the Republic of Moldova through facilitating inclusive, sustainable and integrated local socio-economic growth and improving the standards of living...

Policy toolkit item

Temporary Export Manager voucher

As part of the innovative strategy to support the internationalization of businesses, on 9 March 2021 the “digital TEM voucher” call for proposals was launched. The programme, launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in favor of small Italian businesses and managed...

Policy toolkit item

Ukrainian Clusters Portal - Ucluster

Ucluster connects Ukrainian regional clusters of entrepreneurs, academia and local authorities. Ukrainian startup founders and cluster participant are provided with news on startups and regional clusters both in Ukraine and abroad, and events are organised to bring the Ukrainian cluster community...

Policy toolkit item

Skelleftea Digital Alliance

Skelleftea Digital Alliance is a non-profit association working to support business development and innovation; creating publicity for the industry; developing existing resources in the industry. Its concrete activities are: to create increased interest in the industry among young people; to boost...

Policy toolkit item

Programme Catalunya Clusters

This initiative aims to help clusters to focus their strategy, train cluster managers, co-finance strategic projects, organise missions to different ecosystems for international benchmarking and launch collaborative projects between Catalan clusters or with international entities. The initiative...