ACCELERATE DIGITAL TRANSITION: Increase cluster capacity to provide advanced business services
IVth National Research and Development Plan, 2022-2027
PNCDI IV is the main implementation tool of the National Research, Innovation and Smart Specialization Strategy (SNCISI) 2022-2027, which transparently and predictably ensures the financing of the national CDI system for modernization, consolidation of excellence and increasing relevance for the...
Silicon Valley Innovation programme (SVIP)
The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate Silicon Valley Innovation programme (SVIP) is keeping pace with the innovation community to tackle the hardest problems faced by DHS and the Homeland Security Enterprise. SVIP expands DHS S&T’s reach to find new technologies that...
The TTGV Xnovate programme offers tools for the discussion and implementation of new ideas and methods for communities to learn together with innovators. The programme consists of five sub-brands: 1. Xnovate Circle is a community of applications about technology and innovation; 2. Xnovate Fellows is...
The Strategic Project of Facilitating Digital Transformation of The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
The SME agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs, coordinating with other ministries and bureaus are responsible of developing The Strategic Project of Facilitating Digital Transformation of The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Its aims are: to provide intelligence; provide free online courses of IT...
Local Enterprise and Association Development (LEAD)
The programme is catered towards trade associations and chambers and applicable for diverse development projects. LEAD supports up to 70% of eligible costs for qualifying projects that target, among others, business collaboration, industry expertise and technology and research.
Eureka Clusters Artificial Intelligence
Eureka Clusters allow Singaporean companies, SMEs, universities, research institutes to access funding in joint innovation projects in the AI domain with entities from 13 Eureka countries. The application areas for AI range from circular economy to Industry 4.0 and Smart Cities approaches.
Strategy on Digital Skills Development in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2020. to 2024.
The overall objective of the Strategy is to improve the digital knowledge and skills of all citizens, including members of vulnerable social groups. The strategy aims to enable the monitoring of the development of ICT technologies in all fields and to meet the needs of the economy and the labor...
GATE 4.0
The Technological District GATE 4.0 was developed along the regional Smart Specialisation Strategy 2014-2020 in Tuscany to support matchmaking initiatives between enterprises, research centers and financial service providers and to support the joint development of new technologies, products and...
SFI Research Centres
The mission of the Confirm SFI Research Centre is to support the transformation of the Irish manufacturing sector towards a smart manufacturing paradigm. This will enable advanced capabilities for industry in the areas of customer-centred manufacturing, optimised real-time decision-making, increased...
The Single Window Initiative Estonia
The Single Window Initiative Estonia is a network focused on digital transport and logistics solutions and digital supply chains. The main aim of the initiative is to promote and encourage the digital shift in transport-related information flow. Beneficiaries range from small to large cargo owners...
Red Cluster Colombia
The Private Competitiveness Council (CPC) and the Foreign Trade Bank (BANCOLDEX) through its Development and Innovation unit (INNpulsa), launched Red Cluster Colombia. The Red Cluster Colombia, based on the web platform, is a space to articulate the actors who have been...
The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation leads the Colinnova initiative, which aims to develop collaborative innovation capacities in companies across 15 regions with medium to low innovation rates. The beneficiary will have the opportunity to acquire capacities to innovate, which will...