xBUILD-EU 2nd call for proposals for Innovate, Global and Digital and Green grants
The grants open and its budget for this call are: Innovate grant Scope: This instrument is aimed at the innovation for SMEs to become more resilient with an increased portfolio of new-to-firm products and services to adapt to VUCA environment, increasing their capacity to respond and adapt easily in...
EuroBoosTEX - 2nd call for proposals with 720,000 euros to support European textile SMEs
EuroBoosTEX launch its second call from September 6 to November 8, 2023. The funding granted aims at supporting the adoption of processes and technologies by small/medium enterprises, to ensure more sustainability and/or connectivity in their value chain. A sum of €60,000 per project in a consortium...
POLREC Open Call for Innovation in Recycling Polymer Wastes
The goal of POLREC (Supporting a green and resilient Europe through POLymer RECycling) Euroclusters Innovation Open call is to financially support SMEs from plastics, rubbers and composites industries in recycling their polymer waste through 3 sub-topics : Mechanical Recycling, Mechanical Recycling...
EuroBoosTEX launches its 1st Call- Individual Innovate Boost Grant
The Eurocluster project EuroBoosTEX open call for innovation services for SMEs will be open until June 7th, 2023 @17.00 CET! EuroBoosTex will enhance SMEs to develop new products or processes with financial support through Individual Innovate Boost Grant to promote cohesion and strengthen the EU’s...
EuroBoosTEX launches its 1st Call- Individual Innovate Boost Grant
EuroBoosTEX launches its 1 st Call- Individual Innovate Boost Grant The Eurocluster project EuroBoosTEX open call for innovation services for SMEs will be open until June 7th, 2023 @17.00 CET! EuroBoosTex will enhance SMEs to develop new products or processes with financial support through...