The Cotonou Agreement (ACP-EU Partnership Agreement) as well as specific trade policies ensure the existing cooperation between Nigeria and the EU.

Nigeria hosts a small cluster community since the concept was adopted by the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, in three major sectors: agriculture, manufacturing, and oil and gas.

There is evidence of the implementation of a cluster policy in Nigeria.  The Ward Based Cluster Programme (WBCP) is an initiative to foster the industrialisation and diversification of the Nigerian economy, with 9 pilot clusters  across the country. The Nigeria Innovation Cluster Mapping provides a sectoral mapping focused on S&T across Nigeria.

Economic and political context and framework

The economy of Nigeria is ranked as a lower middle income economy by the World Bank. Nigeria has improved through a reform programme for economic openness and liberalisation since its return to democracy in 1999, and has become a leading country of foreign direct investment in Africa. It has entered in a period of rapid growth, the GDP growth rate reached 6.3% in 2014, but decreased to 2.7% in 2015 and is forecasted as negative for 2016, impacted by the decline in oil prices.


West Africa is the EU's largest trading partner in Sub-Saharan Africa. The EU is West Africa's largest trading partner globally. The cooperation between the EU and Nigeria is formalised through the Cotonou Agreement (ACP-EU Partnership Agreement), complemented by the “Nigeria-EU Joint Way Forward” and five ministerial meetings since 2008. The EU has specific trade policies in place for Nigeria. It is one of the 16 countries negotiating the West African Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU and it holds a leading role in the ECOWAS, the economic community of West African States.Read less.

Cluster community in the country

Nigeria hosts a small cluster community. The three major sectors for clusters are: agriculture, manufacturing, and oil and gas. Some clusters are organised as associations (eg. Noan in Agriculture, MAN in manufacturing and NAC in automotive, or the Nigerian Gas Association).


The Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment implements a cluster programme since 2012 with 9 pilot clusters in a variety of sectors, of which the list can notably be found on the Raw Material Research and Development Council website.

In terms of the innovation cluster community in Nigeria, the Nigeria Innovation Cluster Mapping  focusing on the S&T sector and managed by the non-profit African Institution of Technology, is a tool to support policy-makers and cluster development.

Nigerian President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan inaugurated an industrialization advisory board that will oversee the implementation of the Nigeria Industrial Revolution Plan.

The Country Programme (CP) of cooperation between the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) was developed to cover the period from 2009 to 2012. As provided in the CP agreement, UNIDO was requested to revise the CP to take into account the economic transformation agenda of the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) and other emerging priorities of the government. This revised CP (2012-2016) is a continuation of UNIDO’s technical cooperation in Nigeria as agreed in 2009. It takes into consideration the lessons of experience learnt during the implementation period 2009-2012, recommendations of the Independent UNIDO Country Evaluation Report, (UNIDO 2011) and the Federal Government’s Key Priorities as set out in the Transformation Agenda. In revising this CP, particular attention has been paid to the FMTI’s proposed Industrial Revolution Plan. As with previous CP, UNIDO in cooperation with the FMTI will review this CP regularly and make appropriate adjustments in line with the needs of the country. Funds mobilisation for the successful implementation of the CP will be jointly undertaken by UNIDO and the Government.Read less.

Cluster policies encouraging the development and internationalisation of clusters

The Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment has adopted the cluster concept, and implements a cluster programme since 2012 (with 9 pilot clusters) to foster the industrialisation and diversification of the Nigerian economy: the Ward Based Cluster Programme (WBCP).Read more...

The programme focuses on organising the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) at the rural ward levels into innovative clusters. The Nigerian Raw Materials Research and Development Council is a focal point for this programme. – more information. The Staple Crop Processing Zone (SCPZ) is also a major investment project driven by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) to establish modern agro-industrial clusters. Nigerian President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan inaugurated an industrialization advisory board that will oversee the implementation of the Nigeria Industrial Revolution Plan.

In 2014, Nigerian President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan inaugurated an industrialization advisory board that will oversee the implementation of the Nigeria Industrial Revolution Plan.

The United Nationals Industrial Development Organisation and the Federal Republic of Nigeria signed a first cooperation agreement between 2009 and 2012 to develop Nigeria’s inclusive and sustainable industrial development plan. The total budget of the project was 2,8 million USD. The main components of the program are:

  • Improved industrial governance and PS
  • Increased agribusiness investment
  • Quality infrastructure, market access and trade
  • Sustainable energy for productive use
  • Effective management of CP
  • CP monitoring and evaluation

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Cluster to cluster cooperation opportunities and potential interest from European clusters and SMEs

The Nigeria Innovation Cluster Mapping  project is the only cluster portal in Nigeria.

The 4th EU -  Nigeria Business Forum held from November 5th to 6th, 2015 allowed the establishment of relations between the EU and Nigerian organisations, and the 5th EU-Nigeria Business Forum is in preparation (November 2016).

There are few EU business networks and cooperation facilitators with a presence in Nigeria, except for the EU delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS.




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