THE NEXT SOCIETY is an open community of change makers engaged in innovation and economic development. It brings together already entrepreneurs, investors, corporates, NGOs, public and private innovation, research and economic development hubs from Europe and the Mediterranean countries. It gathers already a large network of over 300 business & innovation, research and investment organisations, 2,500 international SMEs and entrepreneurs from 30 countries.
THE NEXT SOCIETY is launching a four year action plan (2017 - 2020), co-funded by the European Union up to 90% for a global amount of EUR 7.8 million budget, which impacts several levels of the innovation ecosystem:
- Improve policy frameworks.
THE NEXT SOCIETY establishes a public-private dialogue and benchmarks the performance of Mediterranean innovation ecosystems in order to define and implement country strategic roadmaps and improve innovation support strategies.
- Foster start-up success.
THE NEXT SOCIETY offers tailor-made support to Mediterranean start-ups to help them go international and raise funds thanks to workshops and training sessions, immersion into foreign markets and incubation in European innovation hubs, meetings with investors and long-term coaching by committed mentors. To know more, download the Star-up Booster Track.
- Promote and internationalise clusters.
THE NEXT SOCIETY develops peer-learning services for business and industrial clusters as well as foreign partnership and guide them towards a Cluster Excellence management approach. Read here the Cluster Booster Track description.
- Accelerating technology transfer towards the enterprise.
THE NEXT SOCIETY involves technology transfer offices, universities, researchers and creators to develop solutions to the challenges faced by their countries, through calls for projects and workshops with potential users of these solutions (large international firms, industry leaders, investors, entrepreneurs, civil society). More information on the TTO Booster Track.
For more information, please download THE NEXT SOCIETY presentation brochure here.
Cluster Booster Track: a full action plan intended for clusters
The aim
The Cluster Booster track is an exciting peer to peer learning and booster programme which will help MED cluster managers to improve their management skills, multiply their business opportunities and open new channels of inter-clustering collaboration at national and international level.
A new approach
During 4 years, the programme will combine peer training and capacity building to business development and international visibility. All actions will help to develop the strategic cooperation between European and South - MED clusters, supporting the creation of strong cluster community in the Mediterranean.
A programme for all
The Cluster Booster Track offers multiple opportunities both for South Med and European cluster managers !
South-Med Cluster managers, their teams and member companies will be offered :
- To join the social network specifically conceived for South Med clusters and their EU partners and be an active participant of THE NEXT SOCIETY
- To take part in matchmaking events (C2C and B2B meetings & interclustering workshops) organised during major EU trade fairs and other events in South Mediterranean countries
- To join inspiration tours and training seminars, to benchmark their cluster management practices and explore successful examples by visiting their EU peers in situ
- To be mentored by a peer in a spirit of mutual learning. Most notably, this activity will allow the beneficiaries to share experiences and find out solutions to issues related to the management and development of their own cluster.
European cluster managers who enroll in the Cluster Booster Track will get the chance to:
- Participate to matchmaking events (C2C and B2B meetings & interclustering workshops) organised during major EU trade fairs and other events in South Mediterranean countries
- Become a mentor of a South Med cluster manager, share their experience on cluster management and gather inspiration for new business ideas from their peers
- Become trainers and host a delegation of South Med Clusters, a great occasion to present their members, boost visibility, and showcase their cluster management best practices
- Join the i-Community, the social network for South Med clusters and their EU partners, and become an active member of THE NEXT SOCIETY!
THE NEXT SOCIETY partners' community
Agence de Promotion de l'Industrie et de l'Innovation (Tunisia) | Agence Régionale d'Innovation et d'Internationalisation (France) | Agence Wallonne à l'Exportation et aux Investissements étrangers (Belgium) | Agencia per a la Competitivitat de l'Empresa - ACCIÓ (Spain) | ANIMA Investment Network (France) | Arabreneur (Palestine) | Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Belgium) | Bedaya Center - General Authority For Investment and Free Zones (Egypt) | Berytech (Lebanon) | Big Booster (France) | Centro Estero per l'Internazion alizzazione (Italy) | Confédération des Entreprises Citoyennes de Tunisie CONECT (Tunisia) | Economic Research Forum (Egypt) | Enterprise Greece (Greece) | European Business and Innovation Centre Network - EBN (Belgium) | Forum des Chefs d'Entreprises (Alg eria) | Forum Euro - méditerranéen des Instituts de Sciences Economiques (France) | France Clusters (France) | Higher Council for Innovation & Excellence (Palestine) | Information and Communications Technology Association of Jordan - int@j (Jordan) | Informa tion Technology Industry Development Agency (Egypt) | Institut de la Méditerranée (France) | International Network for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (Italy) | Kedge Business School (France) | Mowgli Foundation (UK) | PICTI.StartUps (Palestine) | R&D Maroc (Morocco) | Royal Scientific Society (Jordan) | Startup Maroc (Morocco) | The European Trade Association for Early Stage Investors (Belgium) | The MENA Business Angels Network (Belgium)
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