Community members

Community Event

World Urban Forum - State-of-the-art solutions for cities and regions

The World Urban Forum (WUF) is a prestigious international conference, the most important global event concerning municipal policies, transformation and development. We invite you to the Urban Expo, booth Association of Polish Cities. At 4:45 p.m. Marek Ostafil, Polish IoT Cluster and AI Sinotaic...
Community Event

Financing for industrial hemp innovators in Horizon Europe and CBE-JU

Funding application tips for the industrial hemp sector: Horizon Europe and Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking
Community Event

Webinar Water & Energy Opportunities: Morocco

The AEWEN (Africa Europe Water & Energy Network) team, is preparing a 3days mission to Morocco. We consider it useful to provide the necessary background information on the country and are therefore organising a webinar on water and energy opportunities in Morocco. The program will be as follows...
Community Event

The SmartCTClusters Final Event

SmartCTClusters is a European project funded by the COSME programme of the European Union which aims to create a network of clusters and their ecosystems to promote long-term, cross-sectoral, cross-geographic initiatives in the Smart City domain by developing a Partnership Roadmap. For two years and...
Community Event

URBAN TECH Project Open call

Are you ready to enter URBAN TECH Programme? Propose your solution to URBAN TECH Challenges! By applying to URBAN TECH Open Call, you may enter URBAN TECH Programme which will provide up to 54.350 EUR per SME or start-up in different funding stages. SMEs or start-ups entering URBAN TECH programme...
Community Event

Industry 2030: how to catch the boarding train

On July 13th we invite Lithuanian companies and clusters to participate in the information event "INDUSTRY 2030: how to get on a departing train?" . The green deal, the digitalisation of the industry, the double transformation - loud words, and what does it look like in practice? During the event...
Community Event

C2Future Final Conference

We are happy to announce the “C2Future Final Conference”, the last in a series of events within the project “Clusters for the City of the Future (C2Future)”. The conference will aim at: facilitating the enlargement of the partnership and value chain to other European clusters and third countries...
Community Event

Meet Big Science in Spain

BIGINN Partnership invites SMEs, clusters, research centres and other scale-up organizations to explore the business and innovation potential with Big Science in Europe on 3-7 October, 2022. With ClusterXchange mobility scheme interested entities will be able to receive 415 Eur lump-sum for...
Community Event


Join us, discover IT and save the planet! During conference, in the AquaCity Poprad resort, participants will become familiar with the current products offered for passive and active part of the network, telecommunication devices, IoT trends as well as modern Smart services for residential customers...
Community Event

Opportunities and challenges when approaching South Korea

F2F Health Matters project partners organises on June 21th, at 10.00 CET, an event focused on healthy food & bio-sourced functional ingredients sectors. It aims to give an in-depth understanding of the South Korean market. It will give an overview of the market and its requirements, and the best...
Community Event

GEN.ERA Project Final Event: A Strategic Approach to Internationalisation: Supporting the SMEs in Genomics

A Strategic Approach to Internationalisation: Supporting the SMEs in Genomics - GEN.ERA Project Final Event The event organised by GEN.ERA partners GIP Genopole (later Geno, France) Distretto Campania BioScience (CBIOS, Italy) Tartu BT Park OÜ (later TBP, Estonia) Turku Science Park Ltd (later TScP...
Community Event

Energy efficiency and renewable energies development for the water cycle

Discover the intermediate results of the European project EERES4WATER which deals with energy efficiency and the development of renewable energies for the urban water cycle. The project partners will present some innovative solutions like photovoltaic pumping facing sunshine variation and user...