Webinar "Energy & Water Opportunities in Senegal"
Water & Energy Opportunities in Senegal – Overview
Presenting opportunities in the water and energy sectors in Senegal was the objective of the webinar organised by the AEWEN consortium in cooperation with 8 Senegalese stakeholders on 29 September. The event was a success with about 50 participants from 8 African and European countries.
Investment opportunities
Senegal's investments and economic strategy are currently based on the Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE - 2014-2023), introduced by Mr. Félix Daby DIACK of the Bureau Opérationnel de Suivi du PSE. This strategy aims by 2035 inclusive growth that will help reduce inequalities, and effectively and sustainably finance human development and good governance.
The country provides opportunities in various sectors, including energy, water & sanitation. Ms. Adama GUEYE from APIX, underlined the active role that the private sector has to play.
Which place for renewable energies?
Ms. Yaye Catherine DIOP, presented the energy strategy of the Ministry of Oil & Energy, whose challenges are to diversify energy sources and to connect them to the network and extend it. In terms of electrification, one of the main opportunities lies in the Gas to Power strategy.
The development of renewable energies is also an inherent part of the strategy. Their share in the mix has increased by 22% between 2012 and 2021. Many actors are involved: institutional actors, the private sector, NGOs and civil society, as well as universities and training centres. The members of the Conseil Patronal des Energies Renouvelables du Sénégal (COPERES), Mr. SIOW, Mr. DIOUM and Mr. NIASSE, presented these actors, the governance of the renewable energy sector and its challenges.
Finally, the renewable energy sector is based on a legal and regulatory framework, described by Mr. Kader DIOP of the National Agency for Renewable Energies (ANER). The latest amendments concern the electricity code and the law on the regulator.
Numerous projects are being programmed, both by the Ministry of Oil & Energy and ANER.
How to achieve universal access to sanitation and water?
The World Water Forum held in Dakar in March 2022 raised important questions on water and also sanitation issues. The Office National pour l'Assainissement au Sénégal (ONAS) wants to reach universal access to sanitation in urban and rural areas by 2030. There are still many technical and financial challenges, as explained by Mr. Kader KONATE during the webinar. These include the renewal and reinforcement of existing facilities, wastewater treatment, the exploitation of by-products, the search for new financing and long-term funding.
The private sector has a role to play in achieving this objective, as Ms. Christine FAYE of SIVICA pointed out. She also addressed the challenges encountered today, such as the difficulty to access finance for small businesses and the need to scale solutions to meet the needs of the population. There is high potential to develop solutions and improve sanitation in Senegal.
Following these first exchanges on water & energy, a joint mission will be organised in Senegal in 2023. In the meantime, the webinar is available for replay.
You can see the video of the webinar in the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Op5Gtq4ql7k&t=3s