Support Programme


Sustainable procurement toolbox

All sectors
Target group:
All types of companies and organisations
Energy Materials Water
Where is this support available:

This in an online toolbox to promote responsible purchasing including a self-assesment tool.

The toolbox consists of the following modules:

  • Purchase awareness - documents to raise staff awareness about responsible purchasing
  • Environmental diagnosis - inventory of a company's environmental practices vis-a-vis procurement
  • Purchasing practices analysis - assessing the company's responsible purchasing maturity in terms of strategy, aims, resources, implementation, etc.
  • Strategy and action plan - evaluation of the company's purchases and suppliers, its priorities and planned actions
  • Purchase process outline - tools to facilitate management practices and introduce overall cost considerations in the analysis of offers
  • Monitoring and evaluation - lessons learned from the actions carried out, with corrective steps and plans for progressive improvements
  • Communication - tools to help the company promote its commitment to responsible procurement to external partners, suppliers, and the public