Starting the post-BRIGHT era: The BioRegion Report 2023 widening and diversifying the BRIGHT network
The presentation of the 2023 BioRegion Report will take place next February 12, 2024. The document includes the main innovation indicators and the macroeconomic data of the life sciences and healthcare sector in Catalonia updated to December 2023, including investment figures.
This event, which has been included as part of the actions to implement in the so called “BRIGHT2”, is hosted on yearly basis by Biocat, and already counted on the previous edition with the participation of the partners in BRIGHT (see the video below).
In continuation of the work performed, the presentation event will include a roundtable linked to the pact for skills, named “The Battle for Talent in Health Ecosystems: Attracting, Retaining, and Upskilling Professionals”. This roundtable will have the participation of Montse Daban, Strategic Foresight and International Relations Director at Biocat (as moderator); Carla Ruiz, Director of Human Resources at AstraZeneca; Emilià Pola, Executive Director at ICREA; and Marc Soriano, R&D Project, Portfolio & Partnership Director at Almirall. This roundtable will be followed by a keynote presentation on “The power of platforms to transform healthcare” by John D. Halamka, M.D., M.S., President, Mayo Clinic Platform.
The presentation of the BioRegion Report 2023, even if BRIGHT is not expected to be explicitly mentioned, constitutes a way of continuing driving the discussion in line work performed in the project. Furthermore, it contributes to the objective of reaching, for these purposes, a wider network of stakeholders than that of the consortium. The event gathered last year over 400 attendees, mainly from Catalonia, but also from other countries in Europe. The partners in BRIGHT have been invited to participate in the event, as well as to disseminate the opportunity towards their regions.
The BioRegion Report will be the kick-off of the Barcelona Health Innovation Week, February 12-15, 2024, a week dedicated to innovation, acceleration, technology and transformation in the health sector. From presentations, talks, debates and webinars to networking activities: every day there will be various activities, organized by different entities of the BioRegion, where the potential and impact of the life sciences and health ecosystem based in Barcelona will be showcased.
More information about the event’s programme, sponsors and registration can be found here.