Smarter transport logistics with driver behaviour improvement system

©Andrey Popov, image #139998311, 2017, source:


Transport Carbon
Transportation and storage
Investment cost:
Medium cost
Cost savings:
Fuel economy improved by 2.5 mpg per vehicle – or around 11 % – achieved by smoother, more efficient driving, driven by the live feedback box
Medium cost
Size of company:
Large (more than 250)
Advancement in applying resource efficiency measures:

Track and trace paves way to better driving

  • Software to track and train drivers boosts flet management efficiency
  • Fuel economy improved by 11 %
  • Fuel wasted through idling reduced by 68 %

Scotia Gas Networks (SGN), which operates across the south of England and all of Scotland, uses telematics to tackle inefficient practices. A ‘track and trace’ style telematics system had been installed in each commercial vehicle since 2008, but SGN wanted to add driver behaviour functionality. In 2014, it updated the telematics system in conjunction with a rebranding exercise.

SGN is now using TomTom Telematics technology, including driver a behaviour improvement system called OptiDrive 360. Drivers have access to a real-time feed of their driving activity and behaviour and the team leader who monitors the system issues a weekly report (every Monday) by text to their smart phones.

Key results

A special driver's handbook was created which includes the scoring system (out of 10), and guidelines are available for engaging and communicating between managers and drivers. One of the main findings of the driver behaviour telematics is that vehicles driven by those with good weekly scores were in better physical condition. 

The company firmly believes that by educating drivers and providing data support, the fleet will see a reduction in the cost of routine vehicle maintenance, particularly brake and tyre replacement, but also overall fuel use linked to inefficient driver behaviour such as rapid acceleration and breaking between lights. During a 100-vehicle trial, SGN reduced the volume of fuel wasted through idling by almost 68 % and improved average fuel consumption by 11 %.

Fleet News, 'SNG: We were wasting 13 000 litres of fuel an month',…

TomTom Telematics, news article, SGN targets savings of £ 1 million by transforming driver behaviour,


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