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The 1st Open Call of the SecurIT project has started on January 25th and will remain open until April 26th.

On February 17th from 10:30am to 12:00pm, take part to our presentation of the SecurIT project and its first Open Call organised by SecurIT team!

As a reminder, SecurIT will select up to 21 projects aiming to develop new prototypes or demonstrators in the security and cybersecurity domain with financial and mentoring support from SecurIT consortium. Projects should be submitted by consortia of at least 2 SMEs (preferably from different member states of the EU).

Selected consortia will enter a 12-months Support Programme and receive:

● Up to € 74.000 per 1 prototype project (maximum € 60.000 per SME),

● Up to € 88.000 per 1 demonstration project (maximum € 60.000 per SME).


In the afternoon from 1:30pm to 6pm, you will also be able to be involved in a brokerage event with individual sessions to help you identify potential partners. Here is the link for registration: https://server.matchmaking-studio.com/en/pz87eQ26Sr/#mms#mms#mms

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