

09.00 Registration and coffee
09:30 Welcome by Juha Remes, Chairman of North European Cybersecurity Cluster (NECC)
09:35 Alice Leth Sørensen, Managing Director, VENZO Cyber Security: Changed security landscape
10:05 Morten von Seelen, CEO in Denmark, Sami Laiho, Chief Research Officer (FI), and Mikael Lagström, Cybersecurity Expert, Offensive security Manager South (SE), TrueSec
10:35 Oleksii Baranovskyi, Senior Lecturer, Blekinge Institute of Technology (SE): Cyber Operations as part of Russian Military Doctrine
11:05 – 11.30 Coffee and networking
11:30 Søren Maigaard, CEO, EnergiCERT
12:00 Jeanette Serritzlev, Defence Analyst, Royal Danish Defence College
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch and networking
13:30 Kim Waltzer, Senior Specialist, National Cyber Security Centre Finland (NCSC-FI)
14:00 Juha Remes, Cybersecurity, Head of 5G Business Development, PwC, and Chairman of NECC: We are in Energy crisis! How to avoid that not soon in Telecom crisis?
14:30 – 14:45 Coffee and networking
14:45 Malene Stidsen, Program manager, The Danish Industry Foundation: Cyber security –from threat to opportunity
15:15 Reijo Savola, Project Manager, University of University of Jyväskylä (FI): Nordic Collaboration project
15:45 Sum-up and thank you for today
16:00 End of the day

If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please contact Sofie Jensen,, + 45 93 20 15 40.

Cluster organisation
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