

In the framework of MIG- Mostra Internazionale del Gelato, Longarone Fiere Dolomiti as Italian associated partner of the FRIEND CCI project, hosted the project coordinators Venetian Cluster’s team to present the opportunity of the FRIEND CCI’s 2nd call for projects dedicated to SMEs https://clustersubmissionplatform.eu/eurocluster_post/friend-cci-2nd-op…. The 2nd call was presented together with another opportunity made available by the EU RURAL TOURISM Eurocluster, that collaborated for the organization of this shared stage. The event was coordinated thanks to Communication manager Morgana Campagnolo, mediating speakers Carlotta Campanini for FRIEND CCI Eurocluster together with Maurizio Malè for EU Rural Tourism Eurocluster. The event was held in hybrid form, participants were infact present In the Sala Consigliare, and also participants were connected online to listen through live videocall.

At the MIG fair were present different stakeholders from the territory included CCI SMEs.