METASTARS - Open calls for Innovation Projects in the Aerospace & Defence ecosystem

DEADLINE: 06 June 2023

The METASTARS Open Call for Innovation Projects is launched on April 3rd, 2023, and will be open until June 06th, 2023, @ 17.00 CET.
To apply, follow the link to the online submission system (
Only SMEs working in the field of Aeronautics, Space, Defence and ICT are eligible.
METASTARS will fund two types of activities:
- Innovative projects low-risk: Projects (TRL 5-7) that reach the development of more digital or greener innovation products or services, enhancing the autonomy of the ASD value chain.
- Innovative projects high-risk: Projects (TRL 2-5) that reach the development of high-risk innovation products or services in the ASD value chain.
One (1) SME may apply for an Innovation Project and may benefit from a financial support of up to €40.000. Consortia of more SMEs are allowed; however, they will benefit from a financial support of up to €80.000 in total (up to 40.000€/SME) for the implementation of the project. Different innovation actors may be involved in the project for the creation of new synergies towards innovative and sustainable products/ services, however they cannot directly benefit from an Innovation Project.
Only proposals submitted through the online submission system within the call deadline will be evaluated. After the submission, the applicant will receive an e-mail which states the date and time of the submitted proposal.
All information are accessible through the detailed guide for applicants available in the submission platform.
Contact the METASTARS consortium for further questions here:

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Digital Green Euroclusters
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