
Did you know that Moldova offers many business opportunities for European SMEs in the field of energy, waste and water management?

The Republic of Moldova, with its recent European Union candiate status, will benefit from many funding opportunities through massive investments from multilateral donors in the coming months and years, specifically in our targeted fields.

At a glance, here are some top facts and figures:

  • Energy:
    • Moldova's energy self sufficiency is very low, among the lowest in the world.
    • All natural gas consumption is met through imports
    • As well as coal consumption Moldova's domestic production represents 20% of its total energy consumption, consisting mostly fully of solid biomass
  • Waste:
    • 1139 waste landfills are currently operating, in general not in compliance with environmental protection standards
    • Recycling and waste recovery rates are still very low
  • Water:
    • Harmonization of national legislation on water supply and sanitation in accordance with European Commission standards and international obligations
    • The goal for 2020-2024 is to achieve 80% water and sanitation infrastructure coverage in urban areas, and 75% in rural areas

P2GreenEst project provides services to support European SMEs to access public procurement opportunities in the Republic of Moldova.

Through our services, SMEs will be able to meet local stakeholders and other European SMEs to collaborate on tenders, consult pre-selected call for tenders, gain knowledge and expertise on public procurement with our package of webinars and be supported by a local expert to help SMEs for their applications.

Register now on B2Match to access the webinars and organise your meetings with the ecosystem !

Webinar : Thursday 27th April, from 10 to 11.30 am (CET)

B2B meeting slots: Thursday 27th April afternoon, Friday 28th April and Tuesday 2nd May.