This autumn, another great Medic Nest event is coming up! This time the invitation comes from our consortium partner - Leon Research, who is organising the 4th ClusterXchange of the year, as an integrated part of BIOSPAIN Trade Show and Partnering, taking place between 26 - 28 September 2023, in the beautiful city of Barcelona, Spain at Fira de Barcelona – Montjuïc.
BIOSPAIN is the largest biotech event organised by a national bio-industry association in Europe and one of the largest in the world by the number of one-to-one meetings and participating companies (over 800 companies and 50 investors present). At the same time, Barcelona is the main biotech cluster in Spain and one of the most dynamic cities in the world.
Nearly 4,000 companies carried out biotechnology activities in Spain, in 2021, out of which, 862 are biotech firms. The science produced by the Spanish biotechnology sector is excellent and its innovation is patented internationally. Catalonia has the highest concentration of biotech companies in Spain.
If this sounds interesting, then we encourage you not to miss the opportunity to present your project to cluster members from Spain, Belgium, Greece and Romania, to find out and connect with international projects that need partners and to discover how Spain’s ecosystem can support your product or company.
Join us in Barcelona and receive a Lump Sum of 415 EUR + 50% discount on your registration fee! Find out more, here!
While anyone can register and attend the event, ONLY CLUSTER MEMBERs, can receive a LUMP SUM of 415 EUR to use for their participation and, moreover, cluster members have also 50% discount on the registration fees!
Write us an email at before registering at BIOSPAIN, in order to first receive from us full information on the CXC and available DISCOUNTS!