Join a discussion panel with top experts and learn about trends and technologies that will change the cities as we know them. Intelligent cities is the topic of discussion and you will have the chance to watch a discussion and attend breakout rooms for matchmaking and thematic discussions with experts.
One discussion panel and two matchmaking breakout rooms will guide you through the future of cities as they transit from being smart o being intelligent.
You can register below to receive the links for the webinar and the breakout rooms from the coordinators.
Register to access ZOOM webinar link.
You will receive three links:
Zoom webinar link (Main Event)
Zoom breakout room link A (Earning Citizen support)
Zoom Breakout room B (Technology & Infrastructure)
The rooms are intended to help you engage in discussions around three areas of intelligent cities of the future. Each room will be led by a guest speaker that holds expertise in the domain and can facilitate the discussion.
You can join one of the two (2) rooms to meet, discuss and exchange learnings, failures, experience and earn feedback while you are encouraged to offer feedback to your fellow “roommates”.
Room durations 30′
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