Input-output analysis helps Italian company cut energy and material consumption
How to top a scrap problem
- Component-maker employs TOP 20 to evaluate where energy and material gains could be made
- Targeted measures cut back on unrecovered scrap losses and identify new products
Stafer is an Italian company producing rolling shutter components with a staff of around 70 employees.
The company carried out a TOP 20 input-output analysis to identify potential for energy and material savings. Although resource efficiency had already been evaluated within the company’s management system (ISO 14001 and EMAS), the analysis provided significant results.
TOP 20 has been widely used in cleaner production projects since the 1990s. It is now an integral part of the 'Eco-innovation Diagnosis and Implementation Tool for increase of enterprise Value' (EDIT Value) developed within the Presource project. EDIT Value, including updated TOP 20, was piloted in 18 companies and six European countries.
The analysis identified that material losses at Stafer were 53 % of total product cost, mainly due to the high volume of unrecovered scrap.
Key results
To address the material losses, Stafer looked at introducing better designs and new moulds. The TOP 20 input-output analysis also highlighted where improvements in energy efficiency (e.g. LED lamps for lighting) could be gained, and in conjunction with the lifecycle analysis, the company also managed to extend its product range.
Presource project results,
Presource, 2014, Poster EDIT Value Piloting,