The Indica Sativa Trade Business Exchange
On the 13-15th of April took place in Bologna the Indica Sativa Trade Business Exchange, which is one of the ClusterXChange implemented by HempClub project to better connect Europe’s industrial ecosystem.
On the first day, all Exchange Participants had the opportunity to visit different realities in the hemp sector. A special thanks to the companies and experts that hosted us during the event.
Azienda Agraria Sperimentale Stuard (Parma, Italy) hosted some representatives of the HempClub project and the companies Meditteri d.o.o., Mediterri&Co d.o.o. and Nystart GmbH aiming at creating new collaboration opportunities within the hemp value chains. Representing the farm company, Professor Vita Maria Cristiana Moliterni (researcher from the CREA) showed us their variety of hemp-based textile products and their pilot plant to macerate hemp for textile use. It was also a great opportunity to know more about the Caterpillar project, represented by CREA and Azienda Agricola Sperimentale Stuard.
The Caterpillar project operates in the Italian hemp supply chain and aims to diversify production and improve the profitability of the crop, generating new high value-added by-products and opening up on-farm access to new markets.
La Banca della Calce (Bologna, Italy) showed us how hemp can be used in the construction and building sector and the important properties and applications that lime has in this sector.
Canapa Eco (Bologna, Italy) showed us how hemp can be used for the production of various products (clothing, bags and accessories, cosmetics and detergents).
During the second day of the Indica Sativa Trade Business Exchange our Exchange Participants had the opportunity to visit the Indica Sativa Trade Fair (Bologna, Italy), the first Italian trade fair dedicated to the world of hemp in all its many facets.
A large catalogue of exhibitors was present during the event, bringing together the most important European and global manufacturers and various professional operators.
During the fair, one of our partners - Federcanapa - represented the industrial hemp sector for the first time. On this occasion, an interesting workshop took place, which showed the different value chains and applications of industrial hemp and the financing opportunities for this sector. The HempClub project and the ClusterXchange pilot scheme were also presented during the workshop, showing how they aim to better connect Europe’s industrial hemp ecosystems.
The Indica Sativa Trade Business Exchange was a great opportunity for networking and cooperation and allowed interaction with numerous realities in the industrial hemp sector.
Don't miss the next meeting - Business Exchange in the food sector - to be held in Milan from 9 to 11 May. To register and get more information on the programme click the following link: