Following its first series of online workshops on digitalization, cross-border collaboration and funding in the defence sector, LEVIATAD Consortium launches its second series of webinars dedicated to the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises in target market.
The first event, focusing on the MENA region, is dedicated to share findings from the country and market analyses performed during the period of project implementation, presenting EU services in the field of intellectual property rights, and share the experiences of SMEs that approached the regional markets with the support of LEVIATAD project and the European Union.
Webinar schedule
10.00 – 10.10 – Speakers acquaintance and introduction
10.10 – 10.30 – Data and findings from LEVIATAD country analysis
Davide Ritarossi - Project Manager, Distretto Ligure delle Tecnologie Marine (LEVIATAD Consortium)
10.30 – 11.00 – Intellectual Property Rights: services from the European Union
Andrea Iori - Project Manager, Africa IP SME Helpdesk, European Union Intellectual Property Office
11.00 – 12.00 – Experiences from the field
Alan Cernava - CEO, Metacraft J.d.o.o
Naomi Vanderstockt - Director and Managing partner, Officers on Watch A.s.b.l
Philippe Amar - Sales and Marketing Director, Arkeocean S.a.r.l