The first day of the wellianceHOSPITALITY mission to Mexico has already been a great success!

Submitted by Pauline Bruge on 07 September 2022


We invited representatives of hospitality and hospitality contracting as well as other stakeholders to our Breakfast & networking-event “Sustainable Procurement – Challenges for the Mexican hospitality industry”.
17 European SMEs from Belgium, Spain and Germany were able to present themselves in front of almost 40 Mexican hospitality representatives. They were able to form valuable first connections and to learn a lot about the current challenges of Mexican hospitality concerning sustainable procurement during the panel discussion featuring hotel chains as Grupo Presidente, nh hotels and the Accor Group.
We are incredibly thankful for the warm welcome by everyone, especially Sebastian Zaleski, Trade counsellor of the EU delegation in Mexico and for the invaluable support of our partners in Mexico: Sustainable & Social Tourism Summit and Hospitalitas. We are looking forward to two more days full of new impressions and new contacts. Stay tuned !

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