
The ♻ European food biomass & bioeconomy summit - Matchmaking event to access investors, technology providers and establish partnerships will be held📍 at the Porto Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki (Greece) between the 22nd and 23th of May 2023. 📅

The Programme of this Challenge and Innovation event, co-organised between the @EIT Food, and the @B-Resilient,  @BioeconomyVentures and @Model2Bio projects, will consist on 👀:

🔸An interactive #stakeholder #workshop ✍ on a selected value chain or technology challenge related to the #valorisation of residues within the #bioeconomy sector.

🔸Presentation of the #Model2Bio tool, a pioneering Decision-Support Tool, based on 🧩 mathematical models to predict #agri-food #residual #streams and to identify best routes for #valorising them.

🔸Elevator #pitches for #startups, #SME’s, #spinnoffs 🚀 to show their ideas and projects before an outstanding group of investment companies, and presentation of the Bioeconomyventures online matchmaking Platform for bioeconomy innovators.

🔸A #matchmaking space where #startups and #spinoffs will #connect to #investors and #corporates.🤝

🔸A great space for #networking that will include the visit to the Biogas Lagadas, to the CERTH (an RTO Laboratory) and the Gerovassiliou winery.

This is an event open to SMEs, startups, spinoffs, technology providers, corporates and investors to connect and establish partnerships!

🔔 🌈 GOOD NEWS for SMEs: A travel aid 💰 of 600 euros per SME attend the event is available. ⌛ These lump sums will be assigned on a first-come first-serve basis, so hurry up and don’t miss the opportunity ❗❗ Applications are open until 24th April 2023 👉bit.ly/3HIPtVW