EPIX project at the Clusters meet Regions - Kosice, Slovakia - 29-30 March 2023
EPIX project at the Clusters meet Regions - Kosice, Slovakia - 29-30 March 2023
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform, on behalf of the European Commission and in partnership with the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, the Union of Slovak Clusters, the Ukrainian Cluster Alliance and the Enterprise Europe Network, organised the “Clusters meet Regions” workshop on EU-Ukraine Business Partnership in Kosice, Slovakia, on 29-30 March 2023.
The event aimed to integrate Ukrainian clusters and companies into the EU value chains, build EU-Ukraine business relations find partners to trade and invest with, improve the diversification of markets and suppliers for EU and Ukrainian companies, and establish resilient cross-border networks to promote collaboration and understanding between stakeholders.
The workshop brought together more than 200 representatives from EU and Ukrainian clusters and companies, as well as national and regional public authorities, business support organizations, researchers, and other related actors. The event included speeches from high-level officials from the European Commission, Slovakia, and Ukraine, panel discussions, pitching sessions, business-to-business matchmaking, and site visits.
The conference was an opportunity to develop a network of international contacts, learn about funding opportunities for cluster initiatives, also in the context of cooperation with Ukraine, and a great arena to promote our EPIX Project and its Business-to-Cities activities, including also the ClusterXchange mobility scheme!
#EPIX #ClustersmeetRegions