EPIX First ClusterXchange visits - hosted by Rete di Imprese Luce in Veneto
LUCE IN VENETO will host the 1° EPIX #ClusterXchange visits on 20-21-22 July at its premises.
Visitors from Cluster de Iluminación CICAT Angela Lalatta and from Cluster Lumière Tom Suhas & Nicolas Mannoni – #mardslight will have the opportunity to learn more about the #LIV cluster and its ecosystem and to meet #LIV members and regional stakeholders including Municipalities interested in smart cities projects during the customized B2B and C2C networking events.
The #CXC mission will also offer visits to the most representative LIV’s companies of the #lighting sector at a regional level, at their showrooms, production lines, and technical laboratories as well as participation in the 2022 Venetian Smart Lighting Award contest and gala event, organized by the cluster.