The event will be devoted to cooperation within clusters and clusters with the environment, i.e. in the region, the country or the European Common Market. Cooperation is still perceived as a challenge in clusters, both inside and outside. Just a few Polish clusters are building value chains internally or joining national or foreign value chains. Encouraging them to cooperate, showing good practices, and discussing the risks and ways of mitigating them seem still necessary, especially as the cluster environment in Poland is diverse.
The conference will commence with speeches by:
Mr Marek Przeor (Team Leader, Department Networks & Governance, DG GROW EC) in connection with the 30th Anniversary of the Common Market, on the current role of clusters and their challenges in the Common Market,
and Ms Agata Wancio (Deputy Director, Department of Innovation and Industrial Policy, Ministry of Development and Technology) on "Cluster policy in Poland".
The speeches will be followed by the presentation of the results of the cluster benchmarking study covering the years 2020-2021 (demonstrating how Polish clusters fared in the COVID-19 pandemic, in comparison with the results of the 2018-2019 study, i.e. pre-pandemic), along with good practices of selected clusters that will serve as a starting point for a discussion of Polish clusters' condition, their readiness to adapt to dynamic economic changes, collaboration beyond cluster structures, and using new trends to complement clusters.
The event will conclude with an expert presentation.
The event is hybrid. Both online and offline participation is free of charge.
Translation (Polish and English) will be provided by the organizers.
The cluster benchmarking study in Poland has been conducted every two years since 2010. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the current state of cluster development, analyse the evolution of clusters during the observation period, and recommend actions for the future. As the result, a report is prepared, which, each time, is available on the PARP website as a source of knowledge on the clusters' situation in Poland, as well as their best practices. In addition, each cluster coordinator receives an individual confidential in-depth report consisting of an analysis of indicators of a given cluster against the indicators of the surveyed group and recommendations for improvement that may impact further development. The current edition studied 41 cluster coordinators and 642 cluster members.