Last update date 28 June 2023

Description of measure

The Cluster Dialog is a networking initiative that specifically supports and coordinates the future exchange of information and experience between clusters and networks in NRW through a demand-oriented bottom-up approach. In addition to the further development of the existing clusters and networks, the cluster dialog focuses on new topics, technologies and innovation fields that have so far been located on the fringes and overlapping areas of the existing clusters and networks (cross-cluster innovation) and are capable of further development.

The task of the cluster dialog is to assume the role of a moderator and networker between the individual players. Thus, in addition to individual, demand-oriented and thematic matchings and discussion rounds (e.g. knowledge and technology transfer), plenary events are also organized at regular intervals with a majority of the clusters active throughout the state in order to build up a sustainable structure of different clusters and networks.

Territorial validity
Thematic Priority
Strategic challenges
Type of cluster support
(NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN) - Non-specialised / Diversified