We are seeking Start-ups that can support our industrial park on its pathway to climate neutrality!
To reduce the carbon footprint at the industrial park Frankfurt Höchst we urgently need to substitute fossil energy sources. To do so we have identified the following 12 key technologies that have the potential to substitute up to 100% of our current energy consumption.
- Green Power
- Electrification of Heat
- Synthetic Methane from CO2 (CCU)
- Carbon free burning gas (H2, methane pyrolysis)
- Biogas / biogenic methane
- Green Ethylene from CO2 (via Ethanol) (CCU)
- Plastics recycling + Cracking
- Synthetic methanol from CO2 or biomass (CCU)
- Methanol via green Ethanol
- Synthetic Acetic Acid from CO2
- Recycling
If you are working on any of these technologies or have other solutions to problems we may be facing in the chemical industry, the upcoming ChemMatch is for you.
As a side event to this years CIEX Chemical Innovation Conference and focusing on “Green & Digital” solutions, corporates are once again looking for collaboration with innovative startups in the fields of chemistry, biotechnology, bioelectronics, environment, sustainability, digital process management and digital innovation.
🕔 When? October 6 and 7
💻 Where? Onsite in Frankfurt + online
👉 To learn more and register, please click here:
Organised by: Hessen Trade & Invest GmbH, EIT Manufacturing, Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG, 5-HT Digital Hub - Chemistry & Health, International Sustainable Chemistry Collaborative Centre (ISC3), EEN Enterprise Europe Network, European IP Helpdesk
#process4sustainability #startups #chemmatch