CAAR recognized with the gold label for its excellence

The Automotive and Mobility Cluster of Aragon (CAAR) has been recognized with the Gold Label on cluster management excellence. This award by the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI) demonstrates a high level of professionalism and sophisticated cluster management.
Having begun the cluster labelling journey in 2012 with the Bronze Label, followed by the Silver one in 2016, CAAR got the Gold Label on April 2023 for the first time by scoring 86%. Since the audit found several areas of improvement, CAAR is going to implement an action plan to improve their performance in the next exam that will take place in two years. Regarding this matter, the Cluster will elaborate a new strategic plan 2024-2027 with more KPIs and an annual review, focusing not only on its next projects but also on its achievements monitoring.
CAAR is currently composed of a team of 10 people with diverse professional profiles:
- David Romeral, Cluster Manager.
- Noelia Sanz, Senior Project Manager for business development.
- Arlen Dicovsky, Senior Project Manager and CSR responsible.
- Jorge Mateo, Training Manager.
- Jorge Viloria, Project Manager.
- Víctor de la Mata, Project Manager.
- Elena Muñoz, Assistant Manager and Controlling Department responsible.
- Jorge Gabas, Training Department Assistant.
- Damaris Zahari, Finance Department Assistant.
- Antonio Camino, IT & Digitalization Department responsible.